The family's house was on the side of the road, and they stepped onto the road almost as soon as the door opened, so strictly speaking, the coffin was not parked on the side of the road, but at the gate.

    The road into the village is more than two meters wide, and it is not that a coffin will block it.

    What really prevented the trucks from entering the village was that there were more than a dozen soul-calling flags placed beside the coffin. These soul-calling flags were not of common colors, but huge soul flags with white characters on a black background.

    These spiritist flags formed a black and white barrier, swaying silently with the breeze.

    It was sprinkled with little bits of red, which echoed the large swaths of red on the ground.

    There was no one on the road, no wonder the truck driver honked his horn so many times and didn't move.

    The faint fishy smell wafting in the air was still warm, Qu Zhong put his hands in his pockets and said expressionlessly, "This is chicken blood, not paint..."

    Everyone was shocked!

    Just as he finished speaking, someone finally came out of the house.

    A middle-aged man was standing at the door, staring gloomily at the group of people. He was wearing a camouflage uniform with only a white cloth tied around his waist.

    Seeing a few brightly dressed young men, their eyes softened a bit.

    "Are you going into the village?" he asked.

    "Yes, we went to the orphanage to deliver things." Qu Zhong returned.

    As soon as the words of the orphanage came out, the man's face sank again, and he opened his mouth hesitantly. In the end, he just nodded silently.

    "I'll point you to the other one. You can drive directly to the back door of the orphanage." The man took a step forward and extended his arm to point to the other road beside the house.

    Qu Zhong didn't respond, he crossed the pool of chicken blood with his hands behind his back, and walked straight to the coffin.

    Just by looking at the size of the coffin, you can only know that the person inside is not tall, and the man is not wearing filial piety clothes, and the coffin has not been parked in the house.

    The "dead" should be a small young man.

    And the reason why Qu Zhong came out to take care of this business was that the people in the coffin... didn't die.

    To be precise, the body is not dead yet. Just like what Xiyu encountered, there are no three souls and seven souls in this person's body, and he is in a state of waiting for death.

    "Do you have anything else to do?" The middle-aged man looked at it in surprise, until Qu Zhong had already walked to the coffin, he hurriedly walked out of the room: "You must never touch the coffin, you will Unlucky..." Taking a

    closer look, a lot of chicken blood was splashed on the lid of the coffin, and the blood on the spirit banner should have been splashed from here.

    Qu Zhong turned his head and asked the middle-aged man directly: "How did your child die?" The middle-

    aged man didn't reply, and after looking at Qu Zhong suspiciously, he asked cautiously, "How do you know it's my child? , and why are you asking this?"

    They stood on the side of the road for more than ten minutes, but no one else came out of the house.

    The village was so quiet that you could hear the sound of the wind blowing, which instantly added a bit of weirdness to the scene.

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