The Problem

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You know what your problem is? 
Me. I'm your problem. 
And until you get rid of me, 
I'll always be, and you can't escape it. 

You know what my problem is? 
Myself. I am my problem. 
And until I figure out how to fix me, 
I'll always be, and I can't escape it. 

You know what our problem is? 
You. You're our problem. 
And until I find a way of telling you, 
You'll always be, and we can't escape it. 

You know what our problem is? 
Me. I'm our problem. 
And until I- no. 
Until you find a way to tell me, 
I'll always be, and we can't escape it. 

You know what our problem is? 
Us. We are our own problem. 
And until we address the elephant, 
It'll never leave the room. 

But then, was it ever meant to?

The Darkness Within: Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now