"I know very well what I have done. It doesn't mean I should appreciate her crying"

"She will cry, however..."

Arnav rolled his eyes.

"Let's go..." She said.

"What so urgent?"

"She would like to thank you"

"Don't you guys know something other than thanking me?"

She pouted. Arnav pulled her close to him.

"Don't you?" he asked in a husky voice, tucking her hair.

"What do you want me to know?"

"You don't have to get to know anything new... Just do what you already know" he dashed his forehead with hers.

"Go and meet your mother-in-law first... We have the whole night to sort our issue"

Arnav smiled at her adoringly.

"What's the plan?" He asked cheesily.

"Going to tie your hands," she said suppressing her smile.


"Then what?"

"What are you going to do tying my hands?"

"Arnav... Stop getting excited"

"Why shouldn't I?"

"You always think beyond the horizon" she chuckled.

"Ok... Then let me do it"


"I will show you what can be done tying your hands"

Khushi widened her eyes shockingly. Arnav laughed.

"You don't have to meet Amma. Just stay here"

She walked towards the door.

"Our deal won't affect the change of plan, Khushi..." Said Arnav.

"You are going to be beaten up Arnav..." She said while walking.

"I will happily accept whatever you do on the bed," Arnav said putting his hands in his pant pocket.

Khushi looked at him.

"Get ready to be killed on the bed" she winked.

As she didn't expect, Arnav ran to her and hugged her from behind. He lifted her circling her waist before she opened the door.

"What are you doing, Arnav?"

"Getting ready to be killed"

"I said, in the night..."

"No... I can't wait"

"Arnav, Amma, and aunty would be waiting for me"

"I'm also waiting for you, baby"

"I know... Wait for a little more... I'm all yours"

"Should come fast..."

"Yup "

Arnav put her down.

As Arnav didn't expect, Garima came to Arnav's room and thanked him with a lot of emotions and made Arnav embarrassed. Arnav faced a tough time consoling Garima. At last, Khushi came for his help. She took Garima to Ratna's room and settle her down there with the help of Ratna.

In the meanwhile,

Arvind reached London. He was fed up as there was a heavy downpour. Arnav's Manager Steve waited for him in the airport.

"ASR asked me to book a room for you in a hotel, sir"

"What about Arnav's flat?"

"It's in south London sir... it is very far from the venue. So, ASR decided to stay here until the program gets over... he was planning to go to his flat after the program finishes"


Steve dropped him in the Hotel in which Arnav booked a room for him. Arvind came to the reception and was about to ask for the rook key from the receptionist, he stopped hearing, someone asking,

"Where is Mrs. Khushi Singh Raizada is staying?"

He looked in the direction to know who is asking about his Bahu. His face brightened, seeing the person.

"William..." Arvind smiled at the person.

Yes, he was the same William assigned by Anup Kapoor.

"Arvind sir... you here?" William asked with excitement.

"Yeah... I came for a program"


"Whom you are searching for?" Arvind asked.

"It's a task assigned for me"

Arvind got alert. He knew who William is and what kind of TASK he handles.

"What task?"

"Don't you know about my tasks?"

"Are you still living the same life?"

William sighed nodding yes.

"Who gave you the current task?" Arvind asked.

"Your friend... Anup Kapoor"

Arvind gritted his teeth. Somewhat he expected this. He was the one who introduced William to Anup a few years ago.

"What Anup asked you to do?"

"He wants me to finish a woman who is his enemy"

"You mean, Mrs. Khushi Singh Raizada?"

"Yes... she is coming to London today"

"She is not coming to London," Arvind said with a stern gaze.

"How do you know that? Do you know the woman?"

"Yes... I know her... instead of her, I came to London"


"Yes, she is my daughter-in-law," Arvind said.

William became horrified hearing that.

To be continued...

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