48 Dirty Game

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Part 48 dirty Game...


Arnav entered Aman's cabin. In no time, Aman started arrowing questions towards Arnav, as if he had been waiting for him to come to do that.

"What happened ASR? why did you cancel your London trip? You were so curious to go to London with Khushi... what happened to you now? What made you cancel the trip? is anything serious?" he asked in a go.

"Yes, Aman it's damn serious... " Arnav said seriously.

"What's the matter ASR, you are looking tensed...?" Aman also became tense.

"I got an unbelievable message from our lawyer Roy."

"What was that?"

"Do you remember Kailash?"

"Kailash... Kailash... Kailash..." Aman tried to remember who Kailash was.

"The one for whom Shashi uncle signed the surety," said Arnav.

"oh yeah... How does he matter to you now?"

"He is going to register Shashi uncle's house in his name, tomorrow"

" Whaaaat? How it is even possible?" Aman was shocked.

"I too don't know... According to bank law, the house must be auctioned, in front of people. But in this case, it is not happening. Why? I think Kailash would have played a Dirty Game behind Shashi uncle's back" Arnav said wrathfully.

" What it could be? "

"I don't know... I can't conclude anything. That's why I came to meet you. Before Kailash registers the house in his name, we have to find the exact picture. We should not let it happen. I need the details of the bank in which Shashi uncle signed the surety for Kailash. According to Gupta's statement, Kailash has nothing... That's why Shashi uncle helped him to build his business. He didn't pay the loan amount to the bank. That's why Shashi uncle lost his property and also his precious life. Then how Kailash got money to buy the house worth a few crores?"

"Something must be serious; it seems"

"Yes, that's why I canceled my trip. Somehow Kailash is the sole reason for Shashi uncle's demise. He didn't even attend Shashi uncle's funeral. He didn't even think of meeting Gupta women for once... not even for courtesy. He has to answer me everything and also for the loss of Guptas"

"Give me half day. I will give you all the details about the bank and also the properties of Guptas"

"I will also come with you. I can't be sitting at home doing anything. And I don't want anyone to know about it. I don't want to give a chance for Kailash to escape. I can't talk to you on phone freely if I stay at home."

"OK then. let's go"

Arnav and Aman started towards the bank.

Arnav and Aman reached Vidya Lakshmi bank. They waited outside, thinking about how to get the information. They saw a peon coming with empty tea glasses. Arnav looked at Aman contently. Aman got down from the car and followed him. He waited for a little aloof until the peon submitted the glasses in the nearby tea shop.

"Excuse me" Aman called him.

The peon looked at Aman from tip to toe who was in his blazers.

"Yes, what can I do for you, sir?" He asked respectfully.

"I want to know something about this Bank. who can I ask?"

"You can ask anyone sir"

"It's something illegal. I'm ready to give a 30% share. Whom I can ask about it?" he said whispering.

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