33 Brothers

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Part 33 Brothers...

Though Khushi was satisfied with the cheque Garima was not. She knew her husband. He never had hidden anything from her no matter how serious the matter is. Then how could he have been without telling her the matter of his savings?

Raizadas gathered at the dining table with Garima and Buaji for the dinner. Neerav and Laila also came. Neerav got embarrassed, seeing Garima but Garima didn't give heed to him. Arnav noticed that. After serving the food, Ratna and Khushi took seats next to their respective partners.

"I'm so happy about Shashi... how thoughtful he had been..." Arvind prized Shashi.

Everyone except Neerav understood his words because Neerav didn't know the scenario. He was confused. Why is his father prizing the man who made his family NIL? What's there to prize him when he washed everything out? Neerav could not get it.

"Finally, Garima and Khushi became millionaires..." Arvind intentionally said that and Arnav understood that. He is purposely pricking Neerav as he refused Khushi and addressed her BEGGAR.

Now, Khushi became embarrassed as she too understood Arvind's motive.

"Yes, Dad... I never thought Shashi uncle would have deposited ten crores in FD. Don't know how did he forget the huge amount." Arnav said, glancing at Laila as he heard her telling Khushi, YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE A PENNY.

Neerav was surprised, hearing that. He didn't know whether he should regret refusing Khushi. Though he didn't want to regret he could not. How could he when he got a worse woman as his life partner? He bowed down, gulping down. Arnav didn't feel bad for him. Why would he feel bad? Neerav refused Khushi that's why he got her as his wife. That's the logic he minded about.

After dinner,

"I will drop aunty and Buaji home," Arnav said.

"I will also come," Khushi said.

"No, I and Ratna will drop them," Arvind said.

"Haan, we will go" Ratna said.

Arnav looked at Khushi who nodded ok. Garima and Buaji started from RM with Arvind and Ratna. Arnav handed over the cheque to Garima before she left. Sending them off, Khushi came to their room. But Arnav was not in the room. She looked at the poolside but he was not there too. He was in the study room, talking on the phone with Aman.

Neerav who crossed the study got stuck, hearing his talk.

"Is it? Is that Anup Kapoor who gave fifty lakhs to Rakesh...?"

No need to say, Neerav was shocked, hearing that.

"But, why did Anup give him the huge amount? What's the connectivity between them?" Arnav asked intentionally because he know Neerav is listening to his talks.

Aman kept quiet as he knew why Arnav was talking like that.

"I just can't believe, Anup gave the money for Rakesh to start a business. How did he trust Rakesh without any assurance? What does he know about Rakesh? Neerav said he drinks in-office hours. Without inquiring about Rakesh, how Anup gave him fifty lakhs?" Arnav arrowed such questions to make Neerav think about it.

"And, do you remember what Rakesh told us about Neerav?" he asked Aman. That made Neerav curious.

"He said Neerav misbehaved with a girl in a cinema in a drunken state. He said Neerav recently got into the habit of alcohol but Neerav told me totally opposite to it. I don't trust what Rakesh said about Neerav. Now, I'm suspecting Rakesh strongly. He is doing something against Neerav... maybe his hand can be in the drama held on my wedding day"

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