4 Arnav is in India

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Part 4 Arnav is in India

Arvind attended the call.

*Shashi Gupta committed suicide*

*Whaaaat! Don't play with me in this matter...*

*Sir, please calm down... I'm his neighbor. I know you are his friend. The bankers came to his house and seized all his property. They gave him one hour time to vacate the house, sir. He committed sluiced after they left the house...*

The phone slipped from his hand. Arvind sat with a thud.

*What happened, Arvind? *

*Shashi committed suicide*

*Whaaaat...! No... it can't be true...*

Arvind looked at her with teary eyes. His LOOK told her that he got authentic news. Ratna sat next to him and cried on his shoulder.

Without thinking of anything, Arvind called Arnav. Arnav attended the call irritatingly who just came out of the washroom finishing his shower.

*What now, Dad? *

*Chotte...* his voice choked.

*Dad... what happened? * he panicked hearing his broken voice.

*Shashi is no more... he committed suicide...* he said managing.

*Whaaaat! * Arnav jolted with a shock.

*I'm going to GH...* he disconnected the call said nothing more than that.

Arvind didn't know why he conveyed the message to Arnav even before Neerav who is going to marry Shashi Gupta's daughter. Arnav couldn't understand anything for a few seconds and stood blankly. This is the first time he is facing such a terrible situation. Removing his phone, he called his manager of the London branch.

*Steve, arrange my tickets to India. It's urgent... I have to be there in the evening... as much as possible...*

*Ok, ASR* Steve disconnected the call.

As Arnav asked, Steve arranged his ticket in one of the fastest commercial Airplanes in the world which has a high demand. He booked the ticket through a travel agent paying triple the amount. He knew if Arnav said its URGENT... it must be damn urgent. So, Steve didn't mind do that.

Arnav reached the Airport and boarded the flight. Arnav called Arvind before putting his mobile on FLIGHT MODE.

*Haan, Chotte...*

*I have started, Dad... *

*Are you coming? * he asked unbelievably.

*Yes, Dad... will be there in the evening*

*But, how so quickly? *

*I have managed, Dad...*

*Ok, Shashi's sister also has to come from Lucknow. It will take the time it seems...*

*Ok, Dad. I'm switching my mobile off. Drop the message if anything is important*


*Ok, Dad...*


*Yes, Dad...? *

*Thank you so much...* he cocked.

*Relax Dad... will see you in the evening* Arnav disconnected the call and sighed. He knew his father. He is so vulnerable. He had witnessed it when AR faced a huge loss. The effect of Shashi Gupta's demise will not be less than the loss of AR for Arvind. He and Shashi were so good friends. Arvind didn't request Arnav to attend Shashi's funeral... he doesn't have to do that. Arnav knew what and how to do things...

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