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It's been an extremely long journey for those who have followed this story for the last 10 years. And I'm so aware I am not reliable at writing 🤣.

I started this story with Memoirs when I was 15. I'm now 28! And I still can't believe I haven't finished it.

And I know I owe you all a very happy ending to this series.

The last few years I have had 3 kids. Adrian, Alexa and Amelia. That has taken up majority of my time.

But I have created myself a new goal. I want to finish the Memoirs series in the next 1-2 years. Since this is multiple books that I have had mapped out .

I will have 3 new chapters uploaded to this story by 4/30/22 (even sooner hopefully as I'm already working on them). And a new schedule for posting.

To all those who have taken the time to follow even now, I thank you! And I hope you continue on this journey with me.

Much love!


The Chronicles Of A Belikov: Memoirs Series Book IIWhere stories live. Discover now