Chapter 1: Change

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own VA however I do own the written material in this story and the made up characters that appeared in Memoirs. This includes new characters that will appear later on in this book.

Please note. I am currently reading the Bloodlines series. If you have not read the series I would suggest reading it. There will be no spoilers in this story. The Bloodlines series storyline is not 100 percent in this story. Once I have read the entire series, I will be doing my own story.

Chapter One: Change

“Because these things will change
Can you feel it now?
These walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down
This revolution, the time will come
For us to finally win.”

-Change by Taylor Swift

Alana POV

I huffed as I took my seat at our usual table in the school’s cafeteria. Leila mimicked my actions. We looked at each other and laughed.

“Two classes left and we officially don’t have to worry about tests and classes for two months!” Leila said playing with the salad she had dosed in ranch dressing.

I smirked, “Yeah instead we get to worry about weddings and know just saving the world.”

Leila laughed as she took a tiny bite of her salad.

I pulled my hair back into a ponytail, grazing my molnija marks as I did so.

It had been three long weeks since I had received my tattoos. And since then it seemed they had become a glowing bright neon sign above my head that yelled ‘Stay back or I will eat you’. The only person who would even partner up with me for defense classes was Asher. Everyone else seemed to be scared of the girl who had killed two strigoi before even being promised as a guardian.

Life at the Academy had fallen back to normal…or well as normal as it could after all the changes we had all been through.

For one being the fact that I was now taking lessons from my own father. It was a battle I had lost when I had exclaimed that Eric would be back next school year and I could continue my lessons there. Yeah, mom was having that. Neither was dad for that matter. So I had finally agreed to take lessons. Reluctantly I might add.

Thinking of Eric had me on edge. He had not returned back to the Academy and no one had heard from him either. He had all but disappeared and it scared me to be so worried about someone who clearly was not going to fight for me.

As if on cue the one person who would fight for me came in and walked straight for us. Asher and I had fallen into a very ‘flirty’ friendship as Leila put it. She was right though. Parts of me felt guilty that I was probably leading him on but parts of me relished in the joy of being wanted. Relished in the fact that Asher wanted me and it was very apparent in everything he did.

The Chronicles Of A Belikov: Memoirs Series Book IIWhere stories live. Discover now