Chapter 11

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I slowly opened my eyes after the distortion, and when I did, I was back at the real world.

What my eyes met was an unpleasant, dark and gloomy sky, that didn't show any sign of disappearing soon.

"Looks like you're awake." I felt something that was ruffling my hair, which I assumed was someone's hand, and blinked several times.

"Kokomi...?" I said, a little bit tired.

"Yes? What is it, Hiro?" She gave me a smile as she asked. This time, I noticed that I was resting on her lap, making me feel a little bit embarrassed.

"Nothing... I just felt like calling your name..." She paused for a moment, before her face softened into a smile.

"I see... feel free to call my name anytime!" We both chuckled lightly at our short exchange.

"Ahem!" Albeit, we got interrupted by someone.

"Although flirting isn't prohibited, there is a right time and a right place for that... Kokomi-san, Hiro-san." I turned to look at the person who was talking, and it was Lumine who had a wry smile plastered on her face.

I slowly sat up from Kokomi's lap and looked around. Kazuha, Gorou and Lumine was around me, while all sitting on the ground, exhausted.

"How long was I unconscious for?"

"Only a few minutes." Kokomi replied.

"I see..."

"It's good to see that you're back to normal now, Hiro." Kazuha heaved a sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry for the trouble I caused you. I apologize to you as well, Gorou-san, and the Resistance." I bowed deeply in front of them. The two of them looks at each other and smiles, before turning back to me.

"Compared to what you did to help us before, what you did doesn't outweigh your good deeds." Gorou said.

"He's right. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't even be here at all. So stop beating yourself up. Raise your head." Kazuha said. I did what he said and raised my head. 

"You two..." I looked over to Gorou and Kazuha, and then to Kokomi and Lumine.


"You're not alone anymore, Hiro-san." Lumine said to me with a cheerful smile.

"Back when you saved me at the Statue of Omnipotence, I realized that you really cared about everyone. You just met me a few weeks prior to that incident, yet, you saved me when I was about to get killed, despite knowing it wouldn't end well. For that I truly thank you—for saving me and the people you care about." I could tell that what she is saying is truly from the bottom of the heart. It's not obligatory or
anything—it's her true feelings.

I turned my gaze to Kokomi and she gave me a heartwarming smile.

"You have us Hiro. You don't have to carry your burdens alone. You can rely on us."

"I see... everyone, thank you." My mouth curved into a smile and my heart felt tickled. I think this may have been the first time I have smiled genuinely after all these years...

I stood up, gripped my sword, and turned to the direction where I felt a heavy presence.

"Everyone on your guard! She's here!" I said, and soon enough, a rift formed out of thin air, revealing the Raiden Shogun, sword in hand.

Everyone stood up and put up their guard immediately. Just seeing her emotionless eyes that glowed purple is enough to make my skin tingle.

I know I fought her before, but I also knew she was holding back. She was desperately trying her best not to kill me. I know, because I know if a person wants to kill me just from looking at their eyes.

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