001; the brunette version of barbie

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some people long for a life
that is simple and planned,
tied with a ribbon


"WHY ARE WE CLOSING EARLY AGAIN?" Evelyn furrowed her eyebrows with her hands on her hips, watching her boss quickly shut the door to her store and attempt to lock it.

"It's release night!" Rosemary replied while in the process of locking the door to her flower shop, a wide smile on her face before pulling the handle up to ensure it was locked and turning to the girl.

"Rosy, I have no idea what a release night is." She said while staring at her boss, throwing her gum into the trash can beside her while Rosemary was grabbing her phone from her bag.

"It's a very, very important thing that I can't miss." Rosemary shrugged and scrolled through her phone, eventually bringing her phone up to her ear and backing away from the girl, "I'll pay you for the hours you didn't get today, I just really need to go."

"Enjoy your release night." Evelyn smiled, giving her a wave good the before the pair turned opposite directions.

With the sun beginning to set in the city of Los Angeles and a girl running slightly late to her best friend's release party, Rosemary found herself weaving between the crowds of people to get across the street to her apartment.

Impatiently waiting for her friend to pick up the phone, she unlocked the door to her complex and headed towards the parking lot of the building where her car had been parked, aimlessly searching through her bag for her keys in the process.

The phone call going to voicemail, Rosemary let out a sigh and slid her phone back into her bag as she unlocked her car, swiftly getting into it and wasting no time in pulling out of her parking space and heading towards the exit.

It was a very rare occurrence for the girl to be late to any event. A pastel themed Google Calendar of every event she had coming up and a wall of bright coloured post-it notes of reminders from every aspect of her life, everything she had ever done was guaranteed to be placed on the calendar.

A perfectionist, the more positive connotation for it. Rosemary had a way of making sure everything she did was practical, suitable for her and of course, planned out. She was the host for every single one of her friend's birthday parties and whenever in need, she was the one to go to.

Her best friend, on the other hand, a boy she had known since two. A chaotic, care-free band member who went through life with all of his planning in his head. Most of the time relying on the girl for reminders of events he had coming up and the only reason he'd ever make it on time or at all was due to her lecturing.

And so, with the release of a new album of within his band and the event already in her calendar in a pastel blue, she arrived at the house it was hosted at. With one last check of her phone to see if he had replied to her in anyway, Rosemary headed inside the house, already walking through a crowd of people stood outside.

"Rosy!" Zach called out, running up the path to catch up to the girl, his hands shoved into his pockets, "I'm so glad someone is late with me but I'm also concerned that it's you."

"The shop was busy." Rosemary told him as they walked inside the house, "I closed literally fifteen minutes ago."

"You got here in fifteen minutes?" He raised his eyebrows, "you must've been driving pretty fast."

"I stuck to the speed limit." She smiled, "traffic just wasn't bad for once."

"You're always so good with luck," he shrugged and smiled, backing away from her as he headed over to Jack and Daniel.

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