- Boy By the Sea is my Taekook long fic that span over a decade, so I made a timeline for that story so I know the characters’ age and the season of each chapter.

[ Thank you so much for your hardwork... We are always grateful.]

➽ Writing is not easy neither hard. It can be emotionally draining at times, especially when you are building a world from your imagination with the specks of reality. How do you deal with emotional impact of a book ( on yourself ) as you are writing the story?

- Writing is definitely emotional, from long breakup scenes to sensitive subjects like war, depression, violence etc.. House of Venus is a story I wrote about death amidst Pompeii volcanic eruption, and the weight of being a slave, to write it is to live through it in my mind. But I think sorrow and pain give us clarity in life, so ultimately I’m grateful for the opportunity to think deeply and have readers respond to my thoughts.

➽ House of Venus is one of my favourite writing of yours. It weighs the weight of a true love with the beauty and elegance your words carried. It's bittersweet, honestly with a unique presentation.

Coming to the next part, what was your favourite part, and your least favourite part of the writing journey ?

- Favorite part: reading my stories some time after and picking up bits of personal emotions buried in them. Also meeting readers that respond to my stories, I wrote a bit about Syrian war before and to have people thanking me for incorporating their experiences in fan fiction was very powerful. Least favorite part: procrastination lol.

➽ Feedbacks and responses are a great part of writing journey especially understand how much our writing is getting inside a reader's head.

What are the key challenges you faced when you started writing here?

- WP has definitely revitalized my writing, because I don’t feel so alone lol. Every comment is meaningful and encourages me to write more. The one challenge was the initial confusion about how readers seem to really love very specific niche genres (ABO etc). I write historical, sci-fi and other less popular genres, but I have since realized there are always readers that appreciate the more unique plots.

➽ Yes we love diverse plots and unique thoughts. It's a new world to us and much more interesting with lots of knowledge.

[ If you haven't read The House Of Venus, give it a try. It's a bittersweet story with a touch of history, a must read.]

➽ How do you describe yourself as a reader? And what's your description of your book's ideal readers?

- I’m a very picky reader lol, I need perfect prose, a very unique plot, and relatable characters. To be honest, I mostly only read my friends’ writing now. My book’s ideal reader is anyone that wants to go on a journey with me, to invest a few hours to explore foreign land, thrilling plots, and unconventional romance that’s still very relatable.

➽ Thank you so much for sharing with me.

Inspiration comes from different kind of elements, including scenarios in life. What inspired you to write 'Bird of Paradise' ?

- Oh yes, Bird of Paradise started when I was tired of writing very complex and angsty long fics lol, and I wanted to take a writing vacation of sort lol. I’ve always admired this retro fanfic called In the Territory of the Dragon King, where the island in the story was a main character of its own, full of lores, history and unique sceneries. Bird of Paradise is based on Lahaina, Maui; all the lores, locations and songs are inspired by history and real life.

➽ Writing vocation sounds fun. And it gave us another amazing story of yours. Thank you so much<3

Has writing books changed the way you see yourself ?

- Definitely. I am typically a very logical person that don’t dwell on emotions, but there was always a craving for something romantic and fantastical, some escape from reality. Writing gives me the opportunity to explore these things, and allows me to analyze subjects that could be impossible or taboo in life. It’s like having the superpower of living in multiple universes.

➽ That super power has given us a chance to learn lots of things.

What books or authors' have most influenced  your own writing?

- I read a lot of classics as a kid, so I’d say Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Great Expectations, Gone with the Wind etc.. But I also like modern writers like Madeline Miller, Kate Quinn, Anne Rice, Malcolm Gladwell… I also adore reading all my friends’ writing.

➽ You have come so far with your writing from your first ever fic to the recent one. If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be ?

- Stop procrastinating, finish that damn story already!

➽ Coming to the last part, Taekook and their pure bond has been inspiring a lot of people nowadays. What advice would you give a new writer. Someone just starting out ?

- Try to tell your own unique story. Don’t worry about what seems popular or which specific story you read that’s lovely and you want to write the exact same thing. Instead, think about a story you really really wish exists somewhere but nobody has ever written before. And write. Thinking about writing is great but also, just write (this is reflected back at myself by the way lol).

➽ So inspiring <3 i really appreciate your thoughts and hope the readers feels the same.

And that bring us to the end of this interview. Thank you so much Amlika, I had a wonderful time with you.

- Thank you 🙏 Likewise.


Amlika is a genuine person with a simple mind with a complex story telling ability. Talking to her was nice and comfortable. She's easy to be around and straightforward.

I think I was so stiff during the talk, well i think I was kind of nervous. Idk why though but her patience made everything easier for me.

Thank you so much <3

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