In addition, the program team purchased a large amount of commercial insurance for the artists and staff, the amount of money alone can make people stunned.

    It's a pity that the investment was so large, but problems occurred on the first day due to infighting.

    No wonder Xu Cheng was so angry that he overturned the conference table in the studio, and the female director at the starting point was shivering with fear during the video meeting.

    The guide's local mandarin, Xia Zhou, was dazed. He nodded when someone said a word, but Qu Zhong knew at a glance that he didn't understand at all.

    "The guide said that there are many pythons in the mountains, as well as elephants and several kinds of monkeys." Qu Zhong translated for him.

    Xiazhou: "Oh", then suddenly turned his head and asked Qu Zhong: "Are there many snakes on Hill No. 6?"

    "The area of ​​Hill No. 6 is one percent of the Wanlin Mountains, who do you think has more? Qu Zhong cast a look that he had experienced, and then turned to his side to ask the guide, "Can we catch the

    pheasants in the mountains?" Animals who can catch which ones have to sit and wear.

    The guide smiled lightly: "The pheasants in this area are not protected animals." Then, he joked with his companions: "You can't catch these pheasants at your speed."

    Many pheasants in this mountain are the products of long-term crossbreeding between poultry and pheasants. According to the guide, they evolved from chicken flocks left by the village that lived nearby due to landslides several decades ago.

    But after perennial reproduction and evolution, the speed is similar to that of pheasants.

    Not to mention delicate and expensive artists, even those who patrol the mountains all year round can't catch them.

    Of course Xia Zhou couldn't admit defeat, and immediately slapped Qu Zhong on the shoulder: "We can't catch it, but we have Qu Zhong...and our dog!"

    "Hahaha..." The

    two guides burst into laughter, one of them burst into laughter. The younger guide put his hands on his hips and replied, "This is not the same as the chickens raised in your house."

    Xia Zhou had to argue again when the female director in the tent suddenly came up tremblingly.

    "That... a group can set off."

    "Okay!" Qu Zhong replied.

    Half an hour has passed. No matter what the current situation of the director team at the base camp is, it is time for Qu Zhong and the others to set off.

    The director of the starting point weighed it for a long time, and decided to let a few people go first according to the time arranged in the morning.

    Xia Zhou picked up his backpack, but he didn't give up arguing with the guide: "Just wait and see, we will surprise you     !


Then he waved to the others: "Let's go!"

    This time, the group of four really started to hit the road.

    Passing through a dense monstera, the team officially entered the dense forest, the light above the head suddenly dimmed, and all kinds of towering trees above the head.

    The huge tree canopy blocked the sun in the sky, and the surrounding temperature dropped a lot in an instant.

    The road ahead has been blocked by various broad-leaved plants, and everyone is walking forward while the guide is exploring the road.

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