The FOUNDER who is Obsessed With a Yellow-Furred Pokemon

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Heya, Pearl here. Today I am here to take the honour of interviewing our lovely person for the freak show. Can I know your name/pen name? What are your pronouns?

Hellooo pearly. Thank you for having me today. Spoiler alert - I am always hyper so bear with me. My name is Sundas Ali aka Ali or pika, because I am obsessed with Pikachu. My pronouns are she/her. I like to confuse people with the name Ali.

It's my pleasure, nice to meet you Ali. Not gonna lie, I thought of you as a boy at first. But nevertheless, I am sure, I am gonna enjoy this meeting. So, when did you join CLN?

Yay! Mission accomplished then. I like confusing people too. Hehe... I'm going to enjoy this interview too. And about joining this amazingly awesome family, I joined 15 August 2020, just had my two years anniversary last week. This feels like home.

Aye, it's been a long time since then. Sure, I couldn't agree less there. It's basically a family. What are the positions you are holding now?

I am currently a founder/owner, reviewing department head, co-head of interview department and Head manager of CPS server. I love work.

So many positions! Indeed, you deserve all of them. So, how do you handle the workload here?

Well, it's because the oldies believe in me, and by oldies I mean the lovely fellow founders. These hoomans can give you enough motivation to work well. About the workload, it's tough. It's hectic with life but it's good at the same time. It keeps me grounded. There is not too much because we work as a team and don't let only one person take all the responsibilities and die. We believe in equality and teamwork. And I love my team so much. They are who made me a leader and I am glad to have them to make my work easy.

It's incredible. I must agree with you there, the team work & co-ordination are actually praised worthy. That's something I admire too. It's like, they are always there to have our back here. So, how did you find this crazy yet lovely family?

Hehehe that's stupidly magical. So one day I was roaming on my wattpad account. I was a new desi writer there but I suddenly wanted to try my luck in GD so I took part in many graphic design contest books and one day someone approached me through that. I thought it was a freelancing thing. Believe me, I really think it's some job or what. But then I joined the link after talking with my cousin sister, downloading discord for this specific purpose. I did the interview and failed but one of the heads wanted me to try for another department because I like books and reading. I said review and I got I haven't found the answer till this day but here we are after 6 months of silence, two months of learning and almost 1 and half year of being extremely crazy and making friends.

That's interesting, to be honest. From thinking of it as a freelancing job to jumping here in the crazy family xD, nevertheless you described your journey here as well. And it's undoubtedly crazily amazing. You said about making friends, so with whom are you mostly close here?

There are many people worth mentioning here. First of all, my guardian angel, the person who is very precious to my heart, and will always stay like that. Then, each and every founders and our admins too...  My currency (Rupa), my personal sassy (Alexa) and my zoo bacha (Zee), my Jarvis (ettila), my buttercup (maxxie) and of course monkey.

(These are the nicknames I used for them but oh well). They are indeed amazing. The heads, the staff, and my team are amazing. As I have said already they are who made me what I am today. I am the hyperactive, bubbly girl of the bunch. I love to know people, new cultures, new stories, it intrigues me. This is indeed a crazy family, but this is now my family. I have ancient parent here, I have siblings and I have love. This is complete. Even when I am trying to conquer a boundary each day and I will one day, I hope so, Insha'Allah. I am trying to learn and be there. Baby step work. But yes, I love everyone here. Every single one.

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