Chapter Eight-Carl

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"Hi, Bug." He came up to the table and sat across from me.

"Hey, Piemaker." I smiled. I quickly drank my coffee. And stood up. "Ready?

"Ready." He said. He stood up and grabbed my hand with his large one. I looked up at him and laughed.

"What?" He asked.

"You're so much more taller than I am." I smiled. "You're what? 6' 3"? I'm a little shorty! Me standing in at 5' 5"." I chuckled again.

"I'm a foot taller than you." He said

"6' 5"!" I think exclaimed.

"Yes." He said, walking me out to his car.

"How bout that then." I laughed, getting into the passengers side. He got into the drivers seat and started his car.

"Oh. Uh. I have a dog. And he might get a little excited." Lee smiled. "He's a pointer named Carl." He looked over at me as he started his car.

"I've never had a pet before." I paused. "I mean. I've had fish. But that's really it." I looked over at Lee.

"Carl is a nice dog." He nodded as we drove outside of ny and to a country side of New York.

"It's beautiful out." I said, sticking my hand out the window. "A nice November evening." I smiled.

"Yes. It is." He nodded. He turned on to a dirt road, and we drove about 11 miles on it. He pulled onto a long drive way and up to his house.

"Nice house." I said, looking at the large brick and wood house.

"Thanks." He smiled over at me. He pulled into his garage and we both got out. He lead me inside and showed me around.

"And this is the kitchen. Dinner should be ready." He said, opening the oven and looking. The aroma of lasagna filled the air.

"Mm. Lasagna?" I asked, leaning up against the counter.

"Yeah. I also have garlic bread, salad, and pie." He smirked.

"Oh. Pie." I chuckled.

"Yep. Well, dinner is ready. So we can go sit." He said, pulling out the lasagna and bringing it to the dining room. He set it in the center. I sat on one side and Lee sat on the other. There were two glasses with white wine in them, two plates, two knives and forks. There was also fat candles on top of candle stands.

"You out did yourself, Piemaker." I said, sitting down at the table. He didn't say anything, just smiled.

"Carl!" He yelled. "Dinner is ready!" Within seconds, a dog came running into the room. "Oh. Who's a good boy." He said, rubbing his ears. Lee was still standing, but he slowly kneeled down, petting his dog.

"Carl, this is Bug. But you call her Gwen." He said, rubbing Carl's stomach. I looked at the man and his dog. After a minute, Lee stood up.

"I'm going to wash my hands. Carl, be good to her while I'm gone." He looked down at Carl, looked at me, and left. Carl walked around the table to me.

"Hello, Carl." I smiled, carefully petting him. He rubbed his head into my leg and growled lightly. It kinda scared me. So a moved away a little.

"He wants you to rub his stomach. You're new to him, so he's trying to get used to a new person." Lee said, walking back and drying his hands on a towel.

"Oh." I said.

"Carl. Come." Lee said, snapping his fingers. Carl looked up at Lee and ran to him. "Good boy. Let's go get your dinner." He said, walking back to the kitchen. I heard the door close and Lee came back.

"Sorry. He has to stay in the kitchen while we're eating." Lee said, sitting down across from me.

"It's okay." I smiled.

"Well, let's eat. It's getting cold." Lee started cutting up the lasagna and putting some on his plate. I put a small piece on my plate, along with some salad, and a piece of garlic bread.

"Mmmm." I let out as I took my first bite. "Sorry. That's good." I smiled, wiping my mouth with a napkin.

"Thanks." He looked up at me and winked. We both ate slowly and quietly.

"Pie?" He asked, standing up and taking both my plate and his.

"Sure." I smiled, standing up, going to help.

"No no. I can do it." He said, walking to the kitchen. I smiled, shook my head, and sat back down. Moments later, Lee came back with two small plates, both with a piece of cherry pie.

"Thank you, Lee." I smiled as he placed my plate in front of me.

"You're welcome, Bug." He said, sitting down. I blushed lightly.

"Why are you blushing?" He asked, after taking a bite.

"Nothing. It's just... I haven't had an actual relationship since Marcus. And that was over two years ago. I'm dating my favorite actor from my favorite movie. I'm dating Thranduil. You. Lee Pace. And nobody knows. You have a nickname for me, or well one that I suggested. But still." I smiled, placing my elbows on the table and placing my head in my hands. Lee chuckled and wiped his mouth.

"That's a good reason to blush." He smiled. I picked up my fork and started to eat my slice of pie. "Bug is a good nickname for you. Marcus didn't and doesn't deserve you." Lee reached over the table and grabbed my hands. "He didn't deserve a lady as beautiful as you." He smiled and I blushed.

"Alright, Piemaker. You're gonna make me cry." I chuckled, blinking away the tears that started to form. He smiled. We both are our slice of pie, then went to watch a movie.

My Love, Lee PaceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant