Chapter 14

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The walk to the pond wasn't relaxing as other days. Maybe it was because of the sensual dream early that morning, but she felt way too aware of the man walking next to her.

Each time his arm brushed against hers, she felt sparks lighting up her skin, and she subtly inched away a little. She kept inching away so much that she almost fell into the pond. Luckily, his arm caught her before she fell. But when she straightened, she stepped away from him.

"Stop overdoing it," he said in a harsh tone. "There's no one around."

"What?" She was stunned at the sudden anger blazing in his eyes.

"So stop pretending as though you are attracted to me and trying hard to fight that attraction. If you want more money, just ask me directly."

She sucked in an angry breath at his words.

"I'm not pretending, you arrogant beast! I do find you attractive!" She more or less shouted the words at him.

He let out a rude scoff and turned away from her.

She didn't know what type of insane devil was driving her, but she marched towards him with a single-minded focus to prove him wrong. When she was close enough, she stepped in front of him, blocking his way.

He frowned, watching the determined look on her face. Before he could open his mouth and say anything that would piss her off further, she held his head and pulled him towards her. And then, she kissed him.

It was just the simple touching of lips because she didn't know how to kiss. This was her first kiss, and it barely lasted a second or two before she stepped back, coming back to her senses.

She didn't know who looked more stunned, him or her.

"I-I... I'm so sorry," she said hurriedly. "I don't know what came over me. You wouldn't believe me when I said I find you attractive, so I wanted to just prove..." She didn't complete the sentence.

She thought he would erupt at her for daring to touch him, let alone kiss him. But he was completely silent and still. Her heart thudded while a strange, thick tension grew between them at a rapid pace.

She gasped out loud when his arms suddenly pulled her towards him. Her body crashed against his hard chest, and the next moment, her lips were captured by his.

The first thought she had was that his kiss wasn't anything like in her dream. It wasn't sweet or tentative. It was raw and hungry, and it utterly consumed her.

Her knees grew weak instantly, and her insides melted at the heat that spread all over her body. She grabbed his shirt and clung to him for support when her legs began to give away.

His arms didn't support her fall. His strong arms simply controlled her fall, and he went along with her.

Suddenly, she felt him freeze on top of her. Thunder rumbled in the sky, and heavy raindrops began to fall on top of them. She opened her eyes in shock.

The beautiful blue sky from before had turned dark and cloudy. But what shocked her more and held her rapt were the stormy eyes of the man on top of her. His jaw clenched, and he rolled away from her before getting up in a smooth move.

He held his hand out. Reluctantly, she took it.

He pulled her up, but before she could stand on her shaky legs, he turned away from her.

"Let's go," he said, beginning to head back.

By the time they reached the mansion, they were both drenched completely.

"Go inside," he ordered. "I'll be back later."

He waited until she was inside the mansion before heading back into the rain. Regardless of the thunder and rain, she knew he was going to go for a ride.

Jennie went up to her suite and shut the door. Her entire body began to tremble as she shed her wet clothes. She knew she wasn't trembling due to the cold, but more because of the events that had taken place a while ago.

"What the hell happened?" she whispered aloud.

She had kissed the beast. No, not just kissed, but responded to his kiss in a manner she didn't understand. What if he hadn't stopped? 

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