Chapter 10

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Jennie's plan worked.

Each morning, after her walk, she spent time in the kitchen talking to the staff. At first, some of the staff members were suspicious and too conscious of her, but slowly they relaxed when she spoke to them in a friendly way. She even enjoyed their company.

While she spoke to them, she slowly dropped hints of spending time with the beast in the library. She even made up stories of how she accompanied him on his horse for a ride.

"I'm glad the young master is finding joy in other's company."

Jennie felt guilty when Jang mi overheard her speaking to some of the staff members. The older woman didn't look at her with suspicion and believed her completely.

Please forgive me.

Jennie hated what she was doing, but the plan was working, since Krystal called her each night to tell her that her father was happy with the developments taking place with the prince.

The three weeks would end, and soon it would be time for her to leave.

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