We headed out and honestly hanging with Sam and Crystal is not that bad. They might be chaotic and overly energetic but it's cool. There goes my hopes and dreams of a complete relaxing day. I wasn't complaining tho because now I get chocolate cake. We ended up at a corner Italian diner on the other side of New York. We ordered and got seated. Just then a group of 5 teenagers walked in. 3 girls 2 boys. They weren't noisy or disruptive so I marked popular of the list then I saw one of the girls hug the lady at the counter and I've decided to place them under my preppy nerd list. They headed somewhere to the back in a booth that's basically hidden.. Maybe I need to put them on my famous list. I got drawn out of my thoughts when our food arrived. The servings were big. The service was fast. They were super friendly and their food wasn't over priced. How do you give someone 6 stars if not more?
We left a generous tip before heading out to find a bakery for cake. We decided to keep it until we get home so we walked around the park and got ice-cream.

Lizzie pov.
I finished all my work and answered all my emails before I checked my messages.

Want to hang out? I'll bring dodger.

I rainchecked because I was having a lazy day. Doing things on my own time and Leah was sleeping I didn't want to wake her or change her plans.

Heyy. How's my butternut doing. Her cramps stop yet?

Seriously. What about me. She never asks about me anymore. This kid really changed us lmao. But she asked an important question how is the kid doing. I headed upstairs to ask her. It was awfully quiet so I assumed Sam and Crystal went out again. I knocked and open the door to her room. To find it empty. I called out for her. No answer. I called her phone. Long shot. I know but the beside table started vibrating. I picked it up greaaaat she doesn't have her phone on her. We really need to have a discussion about that too. Her wallpaper shocked me tho. It was a picture of me and her laughing in each others embrace. Definitely Scarletts work. Why didn't she send it to me tho?.
I was about to call Crystal but the front door opened and in walked Sam crystal and Leah. This child's going to be the death of me. I literally ran to the door and embraced her.
I shouldn't have. But I did... I gave her a mouthful.
"why would you do that! You'll give me a heart attack. Child I thought I lost you. You gotta tell me if you leave. You never go out so today I thought you got kidnapped. Please don't do that again " my heart was beating real fast.
Leah caressed my face.
"hey, look at me. I'm here. I'm safe no harm came to me. I went out to celebrate my grades and we brought chocolate cake so you can't be mad" she pouted which made me smile.
We had some cake. Leah was the first to leave. To take a shower and get out of her 'uncomfortable clothes'. Which by the way looked quite comfy. I headed up stairs too and got changed since I took a shower this morning. I was about to go find Leah but she walked into my room.
"perfect just the person I wanted to see I got a few questions and you don't have to answer all of them. "

"okay shoot. " she looked pretty relaxed and calm.

"okay so I'm going to ask all the questions and then you can answer after. Question 1. You had very little cake. Why? 2. Scarlett wants to know how you doing and how's the cramps. 3 why didn't you send me your wallpaper. 4. Why do you leave your phone at home when you go out. And 5. You don't have to answer this one, but I would love to know. Why'd you flinch earlier in the library? "

Amelia /Leah pov.

Shoot. she asked me why I flinch. And for some reason I really wanted to tell her. So I answered...
" one. I'm diabetic too much sugar could kill me" she looked completely shocked, well now I was rethinking telling her the last one. She looked at me to continue
"two my cramps are perfectly fine. Three because I don't use my phone much and I thought aunty Scarlett sent it to you. Four. I'm not very attached to it and back home I usually left it so that I could hide away from my mom. Not that she called so it didn't really matter " she looked confused about my last statement so great now I was going to have to explain. I took a deep breath. Lizzie pulled me out of my overthinking thoughts
"hey, if you don't want to tell me, you don't have to. " I wanted to so I decided to blurt it out.
"I was abused!" okay now she was really shocked. Angry and concerned. But she kept calm and told me to continue so I did.

"my dad. He didn't want to be a dad so he left my mom before I was born. And well, my mom loved him with everything she had and to her the only reason he left her was because of me. She blamed me and never treated me right since then. Yes even before i was born. When she's drunk she'll tell me things - " it was getting harder to breathe I didn't even know this affected me so much. Lizzie took my hand and squeezed it so I continued.
" she'd tell me how she would throw herself down the stairs. Do drugs and drink alcohol and possibly everything to have a miscarriage ". Lizzie was crying at this point. "I survived tho, so she made my life a living hell. She wouldn't feed me, she'd tell me to clean at age 6 and if done incorrectly like any child would she'll beat me. She would beat me for anything. A plate in the sink. Dust on a shelve, a pillow out of place, washing hung incorrectly or not to her standards any possible thing she could find. Most nights she got drunk and wouldn't make food so I basically grew up with Crystal and Sam and our other friend Jade. I have reason to believe she doesn't want me it's been nearly five months and she hasn't texted or called " I too, was now crying. Lizzie didn't say much she just held me like my dear life depended on it.

Lizzie pov.
When Leah told me her story I would never have guessed. I felt bad. I know theres nothing I could've done about it back then but I'd like to do the best I can to make her life better in the future even if I have to move to Africa so she'll have somewhere to go I'd do it.
At one point I couldn't even say anything so I just held her extremely tight and after a solid 10 minutes. I spoke.
"honey im so sorry. It's okay. I got you now I'll try my best to protect you from this world no matter what. " and after a few seconds of no reply I looked down to find Leah asleep. I put her in bed before getting into bed myself thinking about ways I can protect her before I fell asleep...
______________________________________________word count 2304

Sup sparklers!
So our girl Amelia is not good at math. It'll be fine. I promise. Amelia also observes people. Like who were the 5 kids at the diner? Also final step of motherly instinct is there. Lizzie knows her story! Yet she still doesn't know that Leah is not even her real name. This is important for future references.
Do you want different povs or are you guys okay with Scarlett, Amelia /Leah and lizzie? If you don't tell me I won't know
I love you guys❤️
Sparkle out!

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