7- escape - part 1

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It's so hard, when your eyes are closing and there's no energy in you left to fight it off. I want to stay awake but my body is giving up on me. I'm scared of what will happen. What will I experience now for the millionth time?

As much as I'm used to all of my nightmares in all sorts I'm always so scared. I'm terrified. But I know it's time so I open the truck door and step away front the front seat and shut the door back closed and open the passenger door so I can sleep there. I'm barely awake and I don't even know if this is even real. I step inside and pull the blanket and place it all around me to warm me up and maybe sleep comfortably.

I don't even remember if I had a second to think but I was fast asleep but my knees crawl up to my chest as in trying to protect myself from what's coming. I'm so afraid that my subconscious knows I'm not safe. My body is trying to protect me without me giving it any signals. It has become a habit now.

And just like that I'm in the hospital's morgue. But this time I don't pull myself out. I stay there. I don't fight it. Maybe Tara will just wait for me until I decide to get outside. My heart... her heart is so tired that I just can't deal with it anymore. I know what it's all about. I have learnt my lesson. Now I really don't want to be tortured. Or at least if she just give me some more time to breathe before she snatches her heart back.

I open my eyes slowly and expect whatever that will happen to happen. Tara pulling me out? Whatever it is. But I close my eyes back again hoping I won't even be conscious when everything unfolds. She can take her heart, I just don't want to be conscious for that.

"Theo" I hear. But not from outside. What's scary is that her voice doesn't even sound like it used to, it's more angry. I feel moving all around it's all shaking like crazy. I feel alarmed and force my eyes open. I look up and beside me and I see everything shaking. I look down and I finally see the scary image. She's crawling her way to me and her angry voice is shaking the morgue. Honestly, I've never been more scared in my life.

If she treats me like that with her non angry voice then I don't even want to imagine what will happen now.

My breath becomes so heavy and her heart inside me beats like crazy, I pull and throw myself out as fast as possible once I see her moving faster. Her angry voice will stay with me forever and will create new sort of nightmares. And I'm just not ready. It's haunting. My soul is dying.

I manage to get out and run as fast as possible, I get inside the elevator and click it to lift anywhere, but I push the emergency button for it to stop. Maybe that will slower down the process.

In there I try to catch my breath but it's quite impossible. I just don't want to see her. I've never been more scared. I can die, I don't care, I just don't want to see her again. Without any further thought I close my eyes shut and suddenly feel tears falling down my cheeks. I open them and cannot see a thing from the tears. I ignore this minor detail and shut them again. I get my claws out and bring my arms towards my heart so I can snatch it out.

But what I feel when I try to pull it out scares me to my very core. I feel like there's this force, something's not letting my hand pull it out. It's like a magnet placed on the wrong side. This has never happened before and I don't know what's happening, all I can think about is that I don't understand what's going on.

I try with both my hands but same thing happens. Tara really wants to be the one who pulls it out this time and I'm crying, I'm crying so much that I might drown in my own tears. This can't be happening. I can't- I can't go through this.

Her voice is coming even nearer every second and it sounds even more horrifying than the last time. No matter what I do my hands won't even get close to my chest to pull it out.

Suddenly I hear two sets of voices, one, the obvious, Tara's, and the second one is somebody's voice I haven't heard in so long. All I know is that I'm most likely imagining it, as if my subconscious is creating an escape for me but even if so, I hope it pulls me out of this. Or ai hope it's a sweeter relief of death.

Liam's voice sounds so worried and is calling me to wake up, and so slowly my eyes start to open to the real world. With my eyes so blurry and my breath so heavy I manage to feel his hands on mine. He was the one trying to keep me from clawing my heart out. I was so scared that I was doing it in my sleep too. I look at them and they're so bloody. He's inside the truck and keeps asking me if I'm okay.

Everything's too much for me to comprehend. Tara's voice, me subconsciously almost committing suicide, Liam seeing all this and that he's the one who pulled from the scariest nightmare. But I suddenly notice that my breath has slowed down and all I do is cry even harder, I cannot control or hide it anymore.

I feel his arms all around my torso trying to calm me down. "Shh, it's okay, it was just a nightmare, Theo you're okay you're with me" he tells me but since I never hear such words it goes through my heart and I let all my locked up feelings out. I cling to his shirt and try to hide my face while he's still hugging me and he keeps repeating the same words.

I don't know how many minutes or hours have passed but his voice seems to do wonders. "You're not alone anymore" he tells me, and it sounds exactly like he meant it, he cares about me and he's going to be here for me from now on. I don't know what to tell him, I'm so overwhelmed with everything that I show my feelings by hugging him so tight and I barely utter out a "thank you" but he hears me well thanks to our super-hearing.

"Sh, you're okay, I'm here now. I'm with you" he tells me and hugs me back and neither one of us refuses to let go.

"You saved me" I tell him, after almost completely calming down and letting go of the hug. But he looks speechless, from looking at me he narrows his eyes on my chest. I thought he was just thinking and staring into space. But that is when I notice his clothes are covered by thick red. I look so terrified and afraid if I hurt him before waking up. But he pulls his hand to feel my heart and slowly utters "It's all healed" he tells me while removing his hand. Turns out I did hurt myself enough to cause concern, attention and help.

Now I'm the one who's speechless because Liam just saved me and healed my deeply wounded heart. I don't know what to say so I just keep looking at him. He pulls me back in a hug knowing too well that not just I can't be alone right now but I deeply don't want to be either.

"It's going to be okay" he quietly utters at last.


To be continued...

Hope y'all liked it <3

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