Part 3

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Author-sama: hahahaha! Im finally allowed to use my phone again! To celebrate i shall make this chapter that i have postponed for about a few month's now. Hope you guys enjoy reading this.


3rd person pov:

2 weeks have past since y/n took technoblade inside his house, and over those 2 weeks the two have grown quite a strong bond already. Our y/n is very happy having someone in the house to keep him company other then the dreadful thing known as the void of complete loneliness, he even made a small crown with real gold for his friend to show his appreciation for him, technoblade is happy aswell being able to eat potatoes every day aswell as being read many fairytales and myths before bedtime, also because of the crown y/n made for him which he never took off. Y/n has also introduced his piggy pal to his other (non-piggy)pal's such as the Minecraft family(Phil, Kristin, Wilbur and little shi- *cough* I mean Tommy) and others including Niki, Tubbo, Ranboo and the tree in the backyard that's shaped like a person who he for some reason condiders a friend. Technoblade didn't have a problem with any of them besides tommy who he dislikes cuz he pulled his tail and because of that he now bites tommy every time he gets too close, he also seemed to be really comfortable around phil but not as much as he is around y/n. Speaking of y/n let's see what he's up to right now shall we?

Y/N pov:

"Gah! Why is this so hard?! All i want is to turn this plant into a bird it shouldn't be that hard, it literally only has three ingredients!" I slam the book I was holding onto the table. "I don't understand, why is it not working? I followed what it said in the book, one cattrap, two blueleaf and a scoop of crushed darknut." "*sigh* you know what. I'll just continue this later my head hurts right now" I place the book back in the shelf and walked towards the door to the living room but as I was walking to the door I accidentally step on my sleeping pink companions tail, probably shouldn't have let techno sleep in my brewing room. Technoblade suddenly wakes up and starts running around rappidly while squealing at the top of his small lungs because his tail was stepped on. I continuously apologises to techno while trying to catch and stop him from running around but techno ends up hitting the cauldron and knocking it down and pouring the supposedly failed potion on him. I panic seeing the potion spilled and techno but only gets worse when I realise the potion liquid coming in contact with other ingredients, and before I could do anything an explosion occurred due to the potion touching the scorch lilies that where on the floor causing me to be thrown to the wall knocking me unconscious.

2 hours later

I start to wake up and proceed to weakly push myself up since my body was a bit sore from the collision with the wall, i look around to see that nothing was on fire and give a sigh of relief seeing as my house is still ok and that I'm not homeless. But i suddenly rember about technoblade and frantically look around while i start panicking once more, i stop and notice a large blob covered by a blanket and see that it's moving as if something was breathing under it. I stand up, grab the broom and slowly approach it, when i got closer i start poking at it with the broom but when i poked it a deep pig like grunt came from it. I realise that it might be techno so i crouch down and call his name "techno?" As i said the name the blanket moved so i call his name again "technoblade? Are you under the blanket?" The thing under the blanket starts moving once again but as it moved it got bigger so i started getting worried, but then i hear another pig noise come from it, a noise i have heard many times, it was the noise techno would make whenever he was confused. The blanket starts moving more showing what area his head was in so i approach it and lift the blanket of revealing his head, but something was different, his head, it was no longer that of a pig but of a pig anthro instead. I call his name once more and he instantly looks at me confirming that it is techno and not some random pig anthro, he sits in a position the same to how dogs do and continues to look at me and i notice that he seems a bit confused most likely due to the room being smaller since he became bigger. "Techno?" I say and he looks back at me, "hey buddy, so uhm this is gonna be hard to believe but i think i accidentally turned you into a person" he starts looking at himself and notices that his hooves now look like, well what a pig anthro's hands would look like. He looks back at me still confused and tries to get up, i quickly realise that he doesn't have anything on under the blanket so i immediately stop him "Ah! Wait! Don't move. Stay here, I'm gonna go see if i have something you can wear" i walk to my room and check my closet for clothes that could hopefully fit techno since he's nearly twice my size. I end up finding some underwear and pants that were handed down to me by my dad that i never wore since they were too big for me, i grab the two and head back down to where i left techno. I enter the room and luckily he's still sitting down like i told him, i walk over to him and hand him the clothes "you know how to put these on right" he looks at me and shakes his head "of course you don't, this might be a problem" but then i remembered that i can just use magic to put the clothes on him, so i placed the clothes besides him and concentrated my energy until the clothes were emiting a blue light and started floating, as they floated closer to him i told him to stand up and as he did i turned around to give him some privacy. Once the clothes were on i turned back and was glad that the pants were able to fit him "now with that problem solved I'm going to see why you got turned into a person" i walked over to the shelf and grabbed the book i used to make the potion, i flipped to the page about the concoction that i had made and read everything in it.

1 hour later

An hour has passed and i still couldn't figure out what went wrong, i gave up and was about to close the book until something caught my eye, under the ingredients were small words written in bold "animal transformation potion: used to transform animals not to transform into animals"

Author boy: this is where this part ends for now, i will be posting another part soon(hopefully this week) i hope you enjoyed reading this so far if so tgen stay tuned for the next part (*^▽^*)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2022 ⏰

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