Part 1

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Y/N pov:

Its currently 9am and i have just finished eating my breakfast. Today i plan on visiting Phil and Kristin since its been an entire 2 days since i last saw them. Also because i want to eat more of Kristin's home made cookies, though i have to go to the forest to get some wood to fix my roof first since i still haven't fixed it from when tommy thought it would be a good idea to use my cauldron to try and make a potion without having any knowledge about brewing and ended up blowing a hole through the roof. I wash my dishes and grab my axe and some food(potatoes) and head out to the forest to get some dark oak wood for my house.

Author-chan: time skip to when you got to the forest cuz I'm lazy and don't know what to put here.

I got to the dark oak forest and begin to shop down the trees and gather wood. I end up getting 3 stacks of wood which was more than enough but i need to have more wood in case tommy decides to brew something using my cauldron again. I pack up my wood, grab my axe and start my 15 minute walk back to my simple house. On my way back i spotted a pig that was sitting beside a berry bush, i approach it very slowly as not to startle it. "Hey there little guy" it noticed me but it wasn't scared of me.

The pig started walking closer to me on its own and at that moment i felt like god.

I found out why it was walking towards me when he started smelling my bag. "Oh, you smell the potatoes?" I grab my bag and pull out a potato. "Do you want one?"  The pig responds with a happy oink and i slowly fed him the potato. "Well that was fun but i have to get going now. Bye little guy".

After a while of walking i finally made it back home "time to finally fix this i guess, though next time I'm making tommy fix his mess". Half way through fixing the roof i ended up realizing something very, very important, "Wait a minute, why am i fixing this by hand? I know magic, i can just make the tools and wood do it themselves" saying this i calmed myself and concentrated my magic until my hands started emitting a blue magical aura. I directed my magic to the wood and tools and just like that the items started floating and fixing the roof on their own. "That should take care of itself now, though i don't think I'd be able to visit Phil and Kristin since its nearly sunset" just as i said that i heard a noise coming from outside. Me being very curious on what it was i carefully opened the door only to find a pig, the same pig that i gave a potato to. "Oh, hey there buddy. Did you follow me all the way back?" The pig squealed as if he said yes. "Well since its gonna be dark soon you should probably come inside, i can give you more potatoes if your hungry" at the mere mention of potato the pig ran inside and into the living room. "Hehe, someone's excited for food i guess." I say as i walk over to my food chest and pull out some potatoes and give them to the pig. "Hey maybe i should name you, but what should i name you? Hmm. How about, technoblade? Does technoblade sound good? Yeah lets call you technoblade"

Author-chan: time skip to when you go to bed

I look at my clock and notice that i should probably head to bed. "Hey bud, I'm gonna hit the sack now kay? If you want you can sleep on the couch" i walk to my room and crash on my bed, i smile since i made a new friend today and start to fall asleep.

Author: how's this for a first chapter?

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