Chapter 1 "Secrets That are Untold are Revealed"

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It's the end of the first-half school year, and the misfits has already graduate for the first-half. The school has given students who currently graduated a month worth of vacation before the entrance exam. This entrance exam is way harder than the first entrance exam for the new comers in school.

This exam will take students towards their ambition and goal furthermore and therefore the teachers and principal set up this exam to help them survive in the Netherworld once they have fully graduate since the Netherworld is a cruel and nasty place where demons cause chaos mostly as of now... The Netherworld is may more dangerous than it already is cause the disappearance of the demon king which unguided the demon world.

After the graduating ceremony ended the misfits say their goodbye for this month-long vacation before meeting each other again. Iruma bid his farewell to everyone before going inside the carriage where Sullivan and Opera is currently waiting for him.

While still in the road, Sullivan's mind has been covered by worries that is about the school, the students, the stuffs, the Netherworld and most of all Iruma. Sullivan is worried because of the past events and the recent ones which Sullivan think that it is getting more dangerous. Now that there is this month-long vacation for Iruma, he has been thinking if this would be the right time to say the things he has been hiding for years.

Iruma who notice his grandfather's distressed decided to talk "Grandpa are you okay? is something worrying you? you look distressed right." Iruma asked worryingly as he stares at his grandfather who snaps from his thoughts. "Oh, don't worry Iruma-kun, grandpa has been thinking of something that's all" Sullivan said cheeringly in hope for Iruma to not suspect anything but as he looked at Iruma, he knows that the boy doesn't believe his words.

"Sorry Iruma-kun, it's just that there is this thing that I've been hiding that needs to be said soon to you but I don't know when is the right time to say it." Sullivan said calmly as he admitted the truth. "It's alright grandpa whatever it is I must face it to know the truth even if this might hurt me too." Iruma said confidently to Sullivan who just smiled at the child.

"Okay, I will tell you and Opera after we have dinner, I know this will affect you very much after hearing it afterwards." Sullivan said to Iruma that already relaxed when he sees his grandfather smile, as long as he has his grandfather and Opera there, he will be okay because he trusts them the most.

-Later at the Mansion-

"Opera let's prepare a big feast for Iruma-kun for completing the first-half of the school year." Sullivan tell Opera cheeringly as a congratulation for Iruma for accomplishing this far and of course he is proud. "Hai, Sullivan-sama." Opera said as he bowed and walk to the kitchen to prepare the foods that will be consume by the 'human child'.

Iruma smiled at them while they were walking off to prepare, while he walks to his room to change his outfit. Once he enters his room, he goes straight to the bathroom for a quick bath to spend a little bit of time while the others are busy. As soon as his body is on the tub, he recalls what happen at the carriage and suddenly become nervous.

"What secret is this grandpa talking about, I'm getting uncomfortable just thinking about it." Iruma thinks worryingly as he remembers Sullivan's serious face back then. "Grandpa is going to tell us anyway so there is no need for me to worry about." Iruma thought as he shoved all the uneasiness on the side and focus on types of food he will devour later.

-Later at the dining table-

The table is filled with foods and some of them are even floating since there isn't a place to put it down. Iruma is in awe at what he sees and continuously drooling and his hunger grows bigger. "Itadakimasu" Iruma said then continuously eat more food in to his mouth faster than flash himself could save someone. Sullivan and Opera watching the whole thing and be pleasant of how this child is getting healthier than his first day here in the Netherworld.

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