13: transferee(s)

Start from the beginning

"Head councilor." He was snapped out of his thoughts after Yoongi had called him out. He turned around and sees the other demons waiting for him to speak.

"What is it?" he question.

"Everyone is waiting for your decision." the first hand councilor replied, back leaned against the wall.

"Oh.." Jiyong cleared his throat and drifted his eyes to the woman behind him, "You can go now. But consider this as your last warning." he remark, earning a questioning look from the others.

Someone is probably helping that mysterious person. It's either one of our student or one of them.

"Now get out of my sight." he demand and the woman immediately gain her footing, scurrying out of the meeting room.

Everyone look at Jiyong, so many questions swirling in their curious mind but decided to keep it to theirselves. The head councilor probably planning something.

On the other hand, as the woman left the meeting room, she runs as fast as she can...

Unintentionally bumping onto somebody. It was mascular, obviously belongs to a man. It even send her stumbling to the ground. In thought that it was him, she felt her forehead sweats uncontrollably. She looks up and about to beg for forgiveness but her words got swallowed at the sight of a lovely youg male demon. His face was stoic. Every features of his face was attractively sharp.

The woman got her breath knocked away when his eyes flickered down upon her, velvety voice sending shivers down her spine, "Look where you're going." he only remark and started to stride his feet away from her, shoe cladded feet tapping against the marble floor as he take a step.

The woman had no doubt on her thought. She's sure, she have never seen that man before wandering around this school. So how come?

Yoon Y/n

"Hi I'm Kim Min Seok but I preffered to be called Xiumin."

My eyes squinted in utter confusion. How in the world Minseok get in here? He's a human.

Or did they just copy his appearance? But I was too young back then to remember every detail of him. It will be surely difficult.

"You can take a seat at the back." Professor choi motions for him to go ahead. He complied without a word, every eyes taking in every detail of him, along with noisy murmurs.

He paid no mind and continuosly trudges to his assign sit and settled down, his face blank and lifeless.

"Okay students that's enough." Mr. Choi shushes them down, his hand raised mid air.

"Listen here. Today will talk about the three different kind of demons. The naturally born, the reborn and the sacred."

Everyone was silenced at his words, exchanging glances to one another.

"So listen here. We already know yhe three ranks of demons and now will move to discover how demon was ... born." he smiles amd open his book, he always carry around. "The first one is the naturally born. This demon was made by naturally demon parents or it can be also between a human and a demon." he pauses momentarily.

"Human? That's impossible!" someone scoffed in disbelief, not hiding his disappointment. He hates human so much.

But instead of getting offended by the slang remark, Professor choi's lips curved into an amuse smile before he erupted to a sickening laugh, "Impossible? You might not know someone of you might have a connection to a human." He let out an amuse chuckles and continue, "There's a proccess between human and demon. Before even the chosen baby human was born she's already bound to carry the child of devil or he's already bound and committed to a supernatural being. These humans are called the descendants." he went silent for a bit and casted his eyes upon us, specifically to me and Ryujin direction.

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