Chapter |32|

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:) hello




Danny phased back into his room after dropping Sam and Tucker off at the airport. He was glad he made it back when he did, not even three minutes had gone by when Nemuri opened up his door to tell him that dinner was ready.

She looked at him in confusion as she looked around the room.
"Where'd your friends go?" She asked. Danny's eyes widened for a fraction of a second. He forgot that Nemuri would be confused as to why his friends just vanished.

"They had to leave to go to the airport since they were about to miss their flight! They didn't have time to say goodbye though, they told me to tell you sorry and to thank you and Aizawa for your hospitality" Danny was thankful he was able to come up with something to tell her that wasn't necessarily a lie.

Nemuri squinted her eyes at him, suspicious.
"You flew them there didn't you?" She asked. Danny's eyes widened and his stomach dropped. How the hell did she find out?

"Little ghost, you're a terrible liar. Plus, there is no wall separating the kitchen and the living room. I would have seen them leave" She explained.

"But- I- you- please don't tell my Dad!" Danny begged, collapsing into her. She laughed and ruffled his hair.

"Listen kiddo, he just wants you to be safe, okay? I won't tell him since you had a decent reason to fly them there, but next time please let me know, and no fibs! Remember what I told you, fibbing-" She began but Danny beat her to it.
"Kills a bird, I know" He replied. He knew that was a lie, he accidentally told a fib while hanging out with his friends and didn't see any bird die.

"Alright, now let's go eat before the food gets cold" the two left his room and towards the dining area.


Danny was about to turn off his light for bedtime but was interrupted by a knock on his door.
"Come in"

Nemuri opened the door and stood in the doorway.
"Hey little ghost, Just heard from your dad that he and a bunch of other heroes are going to head to America tomorrow. They found where Vlads base is so they're going to take them down tomorrow. He wanted me to tell you to call him if you're upset but that he'll make sure to come back before class starts on Monday. I'm leaving to meet up with them once Shiori gets here" Danny shrunk back, worried and upset. She saw the expression on his face and quickly hurried to assure him.

"We're meeting up with some heroes from America as well, so we'll have plenty of help! We'll all be back before you know it!" Nemuri reassured.

"Okay.. thanks for letting me know auntie Nem" Danny smiled, trying to hide his anxiety. He knew his dad was strong, and that there were many pro heroes there to help but still, Vlad was a wild card; there was no telling what his plans were.

"Alright kiddo, get some sleep and don't worry, okay? Shiori should be here soon" Nemuri walked up and kissed his forehead.

"I'll try, goodnight! Sweet dreams" with that, Nemuri turned off his light and closed his door. Danny rested his head against his pillow and shut his eyes.

He was almost asleep by the time his Aunt Shiori arrived. Izuku earlier told them how excited he was to have a sleepover with Shinso so that explained why his purple-haired cousin wasn't there.

His door opened and he saw both of his aunts.
"Sorry if you were asleep kiddo, just wanted to let you know that I'll be heading out. Shiori is here to watch you" Nemuri explained.

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