🦝🖤Chapter 15🖤🦝

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"I'M ON A MISSION.." Tin-Tube said holding her axe. Along with the other 3 carrying some sort of bad weapon since they weren't able to get real ones.. for some odd reason.


"Oooh so we have a challenge now don't we?" Yang chuckled, still looking at that crystal ball.

"No we don't, now take over the raccoons for me. These things won't take care of themselves" Yin demanded.

"Wait, Thanks for the idea my fellow injured peasant, that's what we'll do!" "Wha-" Yin uttered with a straight face.

"We'll unleash our army of flyin raccoons out, and if we get lucky, they'll get that Lightbulb girl and we'll finally get back our ruby heels!" Yang screamed with an evil laugh.

"You're ridiculous and insane." Yin said while rolling his eyes.

"Oh really? Watch me!" Yang went over and hit the button on the wall. Unleashing the raccoons in tiny planes.

"Once they come back you'll be on the floor praising me~" Yang said in a cocky tone.

"Well i would if my leg wasn't broken."

"Meh whatever, praise me in the next few months or however long it takes for those injuries to heal." Yang said.


"Now just how are we gonna find them?" Lightbulb asked with a wooden sword.

"I'm not sure.." Fani-Lion replied. ScareBrush then noticed something in the Sky..

"Umm, guys, what are those?" The other 3 turned around as ScareBrush pointed up to the sky.

"I.. think those are raccoons!" Tin-Tube said. "No, They look like toy airplanes!" Lightbulb said back.

"No no, Those are.. flying raccoons in airplanes!" Fani-Lion said back again.


"AAAAH!" The 4 then started running, pulling out their wepons. But the Raccoons started to get down.

One started launching pebbles at Fani-Lion. Scaring him and making him Climb up a narrow tree.

"WHY COULDN'T THE WIZARD GIVE US REAL WEPONS?!" ScareBrush screamed. But the raccoons picked them up by their bristles and swung them around.

"OW! OW!!! LET GO OF ME YOU TRASH PANDAS!!" The raccoons then launched them into the same tree that Fani-Lion climbed up, causing Him and ScareBrush to fall into the grass.


"Hey you! I have the axe on me!! Don't even think about getting near this thing!" Tin-Tube raised her axe, but somehow the propeller from one of the airplanes managed to shred it into bits.

"Well heck."

"BAXTER! KEEP RUNNING!!" Lightbulb screamed to her pet. But one of the raccons let down a rope from the airplane, and tied up Lightbulb with it. While one of the others went to the ground and grabbed Baxter.

"AHH! AAAH!!! NO!! LET ME GO!" Lightbulb started kicking, trying to get the rope off. But it was no use.

The other three got up again and saw. "GUUUYYS!!!!" Lightbulb yelled.

"OH GOLLY!! The raccoons got Lightbulb!!" Tin-Tube exclaimed. "HELP MEEEE!!!" Lightbulb screamed out again.

"We have to do something! We can't just let those take her away!" ScareBrush said. "...I've got nada." Fani-Lion bluntly said, shrugging his shoulders.

Lightbulb and The Wizard Of Wonder-Ville [An Inanimate Insanity x BFDI Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now