📱Chapter 14📱

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The main 4 went through another one of those hallways, and were led to another set of doors. They slightly got more closer to them. Not knowing what will await them.

"Oh my lord this is already starting to get interesting" Tin-Tube pointed, holding onto Lightbulb.

"Well who knows? Interesting stuff is usually good-" Lightbulb tried to say, but was cut off by the sound of the doors opening.

"Oh!" They backed away as the door revealed.. a black room. They then heard a voice say: "COME. FOWARD"

"Wait- what-" ScareBrush stuttered in a scared tone (irony 101)

"Who knows? Maybe we have to go in? I Don't know." Fani-Lion asked.

"Maybe we do! Come on gang!" Lightbulb went into the room. As the other 3 went along with her.

The room was still dark for a few more seconds, until there was a small flash of light infront of their eyes. It revealed some sort of big, blue screen, *with a literal face* along with the screen, torches were put on the left and right that occasionally burst fire.

"Uh-" Fani-Lion muttered.

"I am Ville-Phone4. The great, and powerful."

The 4 just stared. Until the voice spoke again.

"Who are you??"

No response.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" That scream caused Lightbulb to step foward.

"And.. I'm- Lightbulb! The one filled with quirky-doos, and.. also uh.. unique. We came here to-" Another bust of fire went up and made her Back away.


"Omga scatters!"

"The great and powerful Ville-Phone, knows why have come. Step foward.. TIN-TUBE."
Tin-Tube anxiously rolled foward. Still holding her axe.

"You dare come to me for intelligence?? YOU STRAIGHT-ASS HUNK OF SCARS, LIES, EXPERIMENTS, AND JUNK."

"Uh- Y-Yes! It's actually kind of.. a long story! So-" more bursts of fire went up. "SILENCE." Tin-Tube quickly skated back. As ScareBrush went foward.

"And you, ScareBrush, have the effrontery to ask for scariness? YOU WORTHLESS BAG OF STRAW, VULNERABILITY AND NOTHINGNESS."

"Erm, Yes- your majesty- NO- You're phon-esty!!" Yet again, another burst of fire. Making ScareBrush plainly walk back.

"Enough. And you! FANI-LION."

As soon as his name was spoken out of that screen, Fani-Lion got more scared. And in panic, waltzed up.

"WELL??" Fani-Lion just couldn't take it and.. fell on the ground.

"Ahh!" Tin-Tube and ScareBrush helped him back up as his head was still spiraling. While Lightbulb looked over to the screen.

"You ought to be ashamed of yourself! Frightening Him like that when he came to you for help!"

"SILENCE! Oatmeal raisin fanatic! The Magneficent Phone has the *tension* of granting your requests."

Fani-Lion's head then halted for a moment. "Wait, actually??"

"Oh yes!" Lightbulb exclaimed. "BUT.. only if you can complete a small task for me!"

They looked over again. "...What task, specifically?" ScareBrush asked.

"If you can do the task, to put the witches of the east and west back together and take their broom, I.. Will grant your requests."

"Seriously-" ScareBrush asked. "Do we have to?! They were probably stalking us for our whole journey!!" Lightbulb exclaimed.

"I insist. Unless you don't want your requests granted?"

The 4 gave each other a look, and decided.. *sigh* "We'll do it. For the sake of our wishes!" Lightbulb stood up quickly after saying that, brushing off her dress.

"Perfect. Now, in order to do so, you have to go into the DARKEST DEPTHS of Spooky Pines. That's the only way."

"Well, It can't be that bad! How bad can it possibly be? Let's get going guys!" ScareBrush exclaimed and pointed to the door, with Lightbulb catching up. The other 2 got back up and got out as well.

"We promise we'll do this!!" Lightbulb said. Exiting the room.

Lightbulb and The Wizard Of Wonder-Ville [An Inanimate Insanity x BFDI Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now