Empty Space

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There's a dark grey room surrounding you, at least you think its a room. It seems like a room, or that's the closest thing that can describe it. You feel as if you're standing but can see no floor, you're not even sure if you see anything at all. There's light but it's going nowhere, a dim colorless light reflecting off something and nothing. This space seems to be held within something, limited but limitless, completely empty.

You feel cold yet comfortably warm and you feel that if there was anything in this room you wouldn't really see it anyway. You'd just stare through it, not seeing a thing. Your hand moves to your chest, a reflex, but you touch nothing. This should unsettle you, as it had many times before but this time you don't even have a thought you can conjure up.

You think you hear something and turn but all you see is black, you feel as if you're floating now and the room got a little bit brighter. It's all greys now. You watch as the black slips away. The room still feels empty.

You hear it again, you turn, your head spinning as you feel your feet suddenly hit on solid ground and everything shifts. You're eyes finally focus.

Its still grey but someone's standing in front of you. Their talking to you, that was the sound that pulled you back. It was their voice. You still feel confused and empty as you look around. There are trees and car, light posts and when you look up you can see the clouds.

Still grey.

You look back at the person talking to you and stare as color seeps into their body, their clothes and their hair. Their eyes are bright blue.

Looking around you see more people, full of color and life. Shining brightly and laughing, seemingly perfect in this world as they are.

You look down at yourself, reaching up and touching your chest. You feel it but still feel empty and...

You're still grey.

You weren't sure what you expected. You smile and laugh with the person, watching as emotion fills their face so sincerely, you know yours didn't. You can feel it.

Next thing you know you are leaving. You forget as soon as you're gone. Who were you talking to? What were you talking about? What color were their eyes?

Oh well, it doesn't matter, it has always been like this. You slip back into yourself, into your dim almost room, watching as everything fades to nothing.

Just waiting to see more color but dreading it as much as hoping for it.

You fade away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2022 ⏰

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