Obsessed With You

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 ***Author's note: This'll be a LONG ass chapter, so get your snacks ready now, lol.***

⏰: 14:11

Alissa was hovering over the both of us like a dark cloud. I felt chills run through my body. Cench abruptly stood up and grabbed Alissa's arm. He was tense. The walked over to the water fountain and they were whispering. Cench looked at me with tense eyes- he lowkey looked scared (lol). After a while Cench left with Alissa and I was left alone in the middle of nowhere. No service. Nowhere to go. Nothing. 

It felt like forever but soon Fredo, Reniyah, Autumn and Jalen came back. They were confused as I.

"Where's Cench?", Fredo said with a bewildered expression. 

"I don't know. He just left with Alissa", I replied.

"Why?" Reniyah asked, she looked mad confused.

Cori: I don't know. We were talking and suddenly she appeared. He looked tense and they started talking, I don't know what was said, but then they left.

Autumn: Together?

Cori: Yeah

Fredo: WOOOW! 


Cori: Yeah, but you lot found a way out?

Jalen: Yeah. 

Reniyah: Apparently so did Cench if he could just get up and leave...

Cori: Mmh

I didn't know what to say. Everything was so abrupt, awkward, and tense. I felt like I'd missed a huge chunk of the story; everything was a blur. 

Eventually, I got up and we'd left to the Air Bnb. Our plans of going shopping and touring didn't come to fruition and I felt this day ended so weirdly. I felt like an idiot really. 

⏰: 16:42

I'd showered and got into bed not expected much out of the day. Cench hadn't called or texted me. I was oblivious to what was happening until Ryan sent me this: 

 I was oblivious to what was happening until Ryan sent me this: 

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It was pic of Alissa on Cench's story. Wtf is going on? 

I was pissed. It's clear that he takes me for a joke. I couldn't believe it. 

Suddenly, the girls rushed in the room, "did you see his story b?", Reniyah said damn-near out of breath. 

Cori: Yes. Wtf.

Ryan: Bitch call his ass. This ain't cool.

Cori: Ugh.

I called Cench but he didn't answer. I tried texting him- no response. At this point I was over the whole trip. I wanted to go back home.

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