m e s s a g e #5

76 13 2

Dear Courtney,

You hurt me emotionally, mentally and physically.
You left me broken and depressed. You betrayed me in ways no-one can describe.

You left a hole in my heart that can't be fixed.
You abandoned me, spread rumours, bullied me.

I thought I was your best friend? How could you do this?Do you have any idea what pain you've caused me?
I hope you're happy that I'm not there anymore.

I hope you're happy that I'm in a different school. I hope you're happy that you betrayed me when you KNEW what I was going through. You betrayed me. You hurt me.
You killed me inside. You were part of me and now that's gone.

You've lost me because I ended it with you and you didn't even care. I'm not going back to you. Thanks for being by my side and being my friend at darkest times.
But, now, I think it's time we part

- Your mentally broken ex best friend

Dedicated from- AmaraMaeWard

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