All of the Avengers- Baby avengers?!

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"Y/n! Y/n!" Peter yells as he runs into my room. "Peter honey what's wrong?!" I ask jumping up check I go him for any injuries. "I'm fine but the others aren't! They um well they have kinda turned into babies." He rambles. "WHAT?!" I scream causing Peter to jump scared. "Sorry darling." I soothe.

"I've got Tony in my room but I can't find the others." He sighs. "Okay Listen I'll get Loki Steve Tony and Bruce you get Clint Thor and Nat." I tell him. "Yes ma'am!" He says.

I run to Steve's room first and hear crying. I run in and see a blonde baby boy laid on the bed. He is tiny! "Oh Steve..." I sigh. I walk over to him and scoop him up. I rock him gently and kiss his head. I rub his chest as he coughs. "Oh dear darling it's okay." I soothe. I grab his blanket from when he was a baby and wrap him in it. He cuddles into it and gurgles. "Glad we agree." I giggle. "Let go find Bruce." I say walking out of his room.

I walk down to the lab and see a baby crying it's eyes out on the desk. I run over and scoop him up. "Shhh hey there little guy. Don't cry you're okay." I soothe. He sobs into my chest as I rock him. Steve reaches out for him and cuddles him causing Bruce to stop crying. "FRIDAY? Have we got a stroller?" I ask. "Yes ma'am here." She replies opening the garage to reveal a stroller that has 10 seats. "Huh I guess Tony knew this would happen some day." I chuckle. I sit Bruce and Steve in the stroller and go to find the next one.

I stop by Peter's room and grab baby Tony. I strap him into the stroller and continue. I head to Loki's room and hear nothing. Strange. I walk in and see a baby sat silently crying. It breaks my heart. Loki looks at me and snuggles his blanket. "Oh darling..." I smile sadly. I scoop him up and kiss his head. He smiles and cuddles into me. I rub his little back and bounce him. His raven hair is soft and curly. I stroke it gently and kiss it. "Does my little Loki like that?" I giggle as he gurgles. I lay him down in the stroller gently strapping him in and go to the living room to see Peter sitting with three babies.

I giggle as I see Clint and Nat cuddling each other and Thor is sat babbling to Peter. Peter laughs and goes along with it. I push the stroller over to Peter. He looks at me and silently thanks me. I scoop up Thor and put him in the stroller next to Loki, who whines. Next I grab Natasha and hold her up. "Peter grab Clint for me." I ask. He nods and scoops up Clint.

I looks at Natasha and she scowls at me. "You know you're never living this down." I grin. She gives me a look as to say 'I'll kill you when I'm older.' I sit her in the stroller and strap her in. Peter hands me Clint and I strap him in too.

"Wait we still have three extra seats!" I exclaim. "Shoot! The twins and Vision!" Peter exclaims. I gasp. "Shoot! Right I'll get the twins you get Vision." I tell him he nods and I take the stroller with all the kids with me.

I run to Wanda's room and see he playing with some blocks using her magic. "Wanda." I say smiling. She looks at me and giggles. I walk over to her and scoop her up. I sit her in the stroller. "Wanda, babe, try not to use your powers." I tell her and she nods stopping her powers.

I walk next door to mine and Pietro's room. I walk in and see baby Pietro sat on our bed. His hair floppy but...brown? I scoop him up. "What happened to your hair babe?" I grin. He smiles and grabs my cheeks. He places a sloppy kiss on my lips and giggles. I laugh and kiss his cheek blowing raspberries on it. He laughs again and I place him in the stroller. He cuddles into Wanda and falls asleep.

Suddenly Peter walks in with Vision but he it's his normal age? "Vision? How are you still you? The others turned into babies?" I ask confused. "Well since I'm an Android I cannot become an infant." He states. "Thank god! This is gonna be tricky." I sigh putting my hands on my hips.

"Okay we are all going to have our assigned children. I'll take Steve, Loki, Pietro. Vision you take Wanda,Tony and Bruce. And Peter you take Clint, Natasha and Thor." I tell them.

Steve starts coughing again and cries. I scoop him up and cuddle him in. "Oh Steve." I coo. I pat his back and he sniffles. "Is Mr Rogers okay?" Peter asks worried. "Not really kiddo. Steve was quite small and was always ill before he got the serum. And since he has gone back to before he got the serum he is going to need a lot of looking after." I tell him. "Awe." Peter sighs sadly. "You can help though. Do me a favour and get the Calpol from the medicine box." I ask him. He nods and runs to get the medicine for Steve.

Suddenly Loki cries out for me. "Not now honey." I tell him. He whines again. "Loki not now." I warn him but see his flashing his magic. "Oh! You want to help Steve?" I ask him. He smiles and gurgles. I pick him up and and uses his magic on Steve who starts to look a lot more healthy. "Loki! You did it! Oh you wonderful little boy! Peter we don't need the medicine!" I grin and kiss his cheeks.

"Miss L/n your test results are in." FRIDAY tells me. My smile drops. "Send them over." I tell her shakily. Next thing one of Tony's robots come in holding some files. I take them and sit on the sofa after putting Steve and Loki down. I take a deep breath and open the file. I skim over it and see it. It's true. Loki is my baby brother. I gasp. "What does it say?" Peter asks. "Loki is my baby brother." I whisper.


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