Abruptly the door opened; it was a one way door that could only be opened with a keycard on the outside.  Someone dressed in a white nurses uniform came in with a syringe and bottle of medication.  My restraints tore at my sore skin as I struggled to inch away from the descending nurse. 

    “Think Carter. Think!”  My inner voice yelled at me.  My mind was screaming to get away from the nurse with the drugs.  I had to do something to stop that woman from injecting me with whatever was in that serum.  This was probably the only time that I could access my powers.  It was probably the only time that drugs were out of my system.  As she prepared the syringe, I planned my escape. 

    First I tested out my powers.  I gathered my power and I felt my fingers tingle.  Once I had sufficient power, I weaved an illusion.  I made the nurse think that the syringe was broken so she would have to leave the room.  Though small, this trick was borderline impossible.  The weight of the drug on my shoulders was unbearable.  It blocked most of my powers by creating some sort of metaphorical brick wall in my mind.  But, after a lot of searching, I found a crack in that brick wall.  My power could seep through the fractured stone and pool on the other side, letting me eventually build enough to use my powers. 

    The nurse took my bait and left the room to replace the broken needle.  This gave me more time for my power to build.  The more power I gained, the more cracked the wall became.  It became easier to use some of my more complicated powers, but I didn’t want to waste what I did build up.  I needed a lot of power for my plan to succeed.  There was no room for error.

    The nurse would be back soon, and the butterflies in my stomach grew larger.  I summoned fire to burn through my restraints, and created an illusion of myself.  I made it look like I was still sleeping on the hard bed.  Then I made myself invisible so the nurse wouldn’t be able to see the real me.  In my head, the plan was going perfectly.  Now was the real test though; the nurse was walking in again.

    She continued on like normal, administering the shot into my illusion.  Once the needle was in the fake arm, I invaded her mind.  I learned how to navigate through the military complex, and I learned the least traveled routes.  Once I analyzed my possible paths, I stood up to steal her key card.  This was the next challenging obstacle that I had to face.  If she felt me, my whole plan would fail and I would be drugged even more.  I would never be able to escape again.

    Suddenly, the door swung open and a man in an expensive looking suit walked in.  “Shit” I thought.  I started to panic.  One, because my illusion was only meant for the nurse and two, because the nurse moved before I could get the keycard.  Thinking quickly,  I ran to the open door and kicked my foot out in front of it to stop it from closing.

    “Where the hell is she?!”  The new man exclaimed.  His voice was dripping with anger and frustration.

    “What are you talking about, sir?  She is right here!”  The nurse responded with confusion.  Only the illusion worked on her.  To the man in the suit, all he could see was the table  and some burned restraints.  Shit, I had to leave.  Now.

    I started to run through the military base.  Though the halls weren’t familiar, I could still navigate my way to the exits from what I learned in the nurse’s mind.  Suddenly, alarms throughout the building started to ring.  The blaring pierced my ears as I ran through the stark walls of the base.  According to the map inside my head, I’m about 25.5 meters away from the next exit.  I just had to take a sharp right around the corner and race straight for the exit.  Only a couple more seconds and I would be free.

    Suddenly I slammed into something that felt like a brick wall.  If it was a normal day, I would have caught myself, but given that I was so weak, I fell to the floor.  I scooted on the floor away from whoever I ran into, but a large hand reached out and grabbed my wrist.  I flinched away from the hand; my wrists were still raw from the restraints.  The hand pulled me toward him, and I looked up to see who it was.  All I saw was dark hair and piercing green eyes, and I knew it was Caden.

    “Come on Carter we have to get you out of here” he hissed under his breath.  His hands moved from my wrist to the small of my back and the crook of my knees.  Caden picked me up bridal style and my arm instinctively went around his neck as he carried me toward the exit.

    “How did you know where I was?”  I asked into his ear.   Maybe he tracked me here or something.

    “You told me where you were.  You sent a message through my mind . . .  Don’t you remember?”  He stated full of confusion.  Our eyes met and I could tell that he really believed what he said.  But the thing is that I never sent him a message like that.

    “What are you talking about Caden?  I never sent you anything!  They’ve had be drugged for the last few hours.”  His face got even more confused and his eyes got wide. 

    “The government must have sent it to me.  Shit!”  He looked around wildly.  “It has been a trap to get us here together!  We have to get out of here.  Now!”  He continued.

    “They can do that?”  I was stunned.  They had so much more power over us than I gave them credit for.  I realized that we really did need to get out of here.

    “Now’s not the time to talk.  We’re almost out.”  I held onto Caden’s neck tightly as I anticipated the outside world.  Caden kept hold on me with one hand while breaking through the exit.


Hey guys, sorry this has taken so long to upload!  It's finally spring break, but I don't know how often I'll be able to upload because I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out.  Haha I'm not sure if I should write while i'm on pain medication.  The story might get a little crazy!  Just kidding :)  Please vote, comment, or fan if you really like it!  I love hearing from you guys!

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