Chapter 12

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This is me apologizing like a million times for never updating this story!  I had major writers block, and I just got over it thanks to a few very persistant fans :)  I know this chapter is short, but the ones to come are going to be much longer.  Hopefully I will have another chapter written and uploaded by the weekend!  Sorry again, and I promise that I won't abandon this story ever again!


    “Well that was exciting to watch.  Though I don’t appreciate the mess you’ve made in my facility,”  came a confident male voice in front of me and Caden.  I flinched in surprise as I looked up to see who was talking to us.  Everything was all wrong.  We were supposed to be outside, making our way into the forest.  Instead, we were in a huge white laboratory and a man in an expensive looking black suit was standing in front of us.

    “Who the hell are you?!  Where are we?”  Caden yelled.  It was the first thing he had said, and his sudden outburst made me jump even more.  His grip on my waist tightened protectively as he set me down.  He stepped in between me and the man, but kept hold of my arm.

    “How noble of you Caden.  Putting yourself in harms way for Carter.”  The man spat disdainfully.  He raised his hand and snapped his fingers.  Two men in cheap suits came up behind me and Caden and shot us with two darts.  I braced myself to fall unconscious, but it never came.  Instead, nothing happened.  What the hell?  Caden must have been thinking the same thing because I could feel his muscles tense beside me.  Our eyes met and we shared the same confusion. 

    “What did you do to us?!”  I hissed at the man.  This was the first time I got a good look at him.  He was probably around fifty years old with brown and gray hair.  He was tall with a strong build and a very expensive taste in clothes.  His shoulders were back in a powerful and confident manor;  he looked like someone who didn’t want to be messed with. 

    “Oh I just repressed your powers for a short period of time.  Time enough for us to talk.  Don’t worry, it’s nothing permanent.”  The man’s laughter was unnerving.  It made my stomach twist in disgust.  I tried to access all of my powers, but none of them worked.  I can’t believe he took away my powers.  It felt like I wasn’t me anymore.  My powers made me unique, and I felt practically naked without them.  I was literally powerless.

    “What do you want from us?!”  Caden yelled as he pulled me closer to his chest protectively.  Even without our powers, he was still stronger than me.  I held onto his bicep for comfort.  Wait, what was I saying?  Caden is definitely not comforting.  I didn’t have time to justify my inner conflicts, there was way too much going on.

    “I think you already know what I want.  I want the two of you.”  The man snapped his fingers again and pointed at the two of us.  The two men from earlier came up behind us and grabbed our arms. 

    “What the hell?!”  I yelled in confusion, trying to pull away from my attacker frantically.  Nothing seemed to faze the man holding my arms behind my back.  He forced handcuffs around my hands and sat me in a reinforced metal chair.  He took another pair of handcuffs and connected them with the chair that was nailed to the ground.  He connected those handcuffs to the ones that were already around my wrists, securing my to the chair.  I struggled against every movement he made, but it made no difference.  I looked over to Caden, and he was in the same boat as me.  It was taking two men to actually restrain him and cuff him to the chair.  I felt so weak.  I could have fought harder to get away from the men in suits. 

    “What the hell do you think you’re doing?!  Why are we here?  You can’t treat us like this!  This is kidnapping!  Who do you think you are?!”  I yelled at the man in charge.  He had no right to treat us like we were cattle.  He claims that all he wants to do is talk, but I know that’s not exactly true.  If it were true, he wouldn’t have restrained us.  Without our powers, we were already helpless against him.  

    “Whoa now, no need for wild accusations such as your own.  You see, I’ve been looking for both of you for quite a while.  And now that I’ve got you, I don’t want lose you again.  You both have very unique skills, and I need to study them.  Now as for who I am, my name is Liam McGuire, president of Sector 5.  I would be polite and ask you who you are, but I already know who you both are.  Carter Stevens:  eighteen years old, one adoptive father, super powers . . .”  He paused.  I knew he paused because he wasn’t quite sure what powers I actually had.  I guess that gave me the upper-hand.  If that’s what you can call it.  He walked over to my and circled around my chair like a lion surrounding its prey.  Liam stopped behind me and put his hand on my shoulder.  I tried to jerk away, but his hand was clamped tight on my shoulder.  He leaned over and continued, “As for your powers, I will be studying those VERY closely.”  He let go of my arm and walked in front of Caden.  “Caden Schneider: eighteen years old, no parents . . . And as for your superpowers, we’ll be studying those as well.” 

    I didn’t like the sound of what he was saying.  It was extremely ominous and foreboding.  “And as for your concern about how we’re treating you here, I could frankly care less what you think.  You are the government’s property.  We MADE you who you are today.  If you cooperate with us, you will be treated well.  And if you don’t . . . Well I think you can figure that out on your own.”  Caden struggled under his restraints.  It was obvious that he didn’t like what Liam was saying.  I didn’t like it one bit either. 

    “You won’t get away with this!”  Caden growled.  I felt like I was in a movie, everything that was happening was so crazy:  the bad guy, the kidnapped victims yelling cliched phrases.  Now I was just hoping for my happy ending.

    “Oh, I already have.”  Liam laughed wickedly as he walked away from them both and looked out the window.  “The world is changing, and you both are going to help us change it.  Whether you like it or not.”


So I hope you guys liked it!  Please vote and comment!  Tell me what you think about how the story's going and what has happened!  The next chapter will definitely be up very soon! 


P.S. Don't forget to vote :)

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