Chapter 7: Saying goodbye

Start from the beginning

"Lucy, I never made real friends before... how do you do it?"

I lock eyes with Harry. It's not that I'd had many friends at all. On the contrary, but I'd gained some respect and admiration from a few classmates.

"Just be yourself and when you find someone you like and who likes you too."

Harry nodded and his eyes teared up.

"Just... hold on, will you?" He asked, grabbing my shoulders lightly.

"If anyone can stand a chance against our family, it's me, you know that, right?" I reply, half joking. "I'll be fine Harry, I promise."

Harry shook his head.

"Some promises are too big to keep, Luce."

With that, I pushed him and his trunk towards the train, so he can find a compartment and put his stuff there.

I noticed the nice family who'd helped us eye me and Harry curiously, but they couldn't have caught on, they were too far away and there was too much noise.

The twins got on the train too and the eldest as well, already saying goodbye to his mother.

After some time, I saw the twins come back out of the train.

"Mom, the boy we just helped, you know?" One said.

"It's Harry Potter! We helped Harry Potter!"

Oh god. I turned away, praying the family wouldn't come to me.

"Ooh, can I go see him Mom? Please!" The girl shrieked excited.

"He's not an object from the museum, Ginny!" Said their mother strictly. "Poor kids, that's probably why they are all alone..."

I felt the family's eyes burn into my back, but I didn't turn around.

Just then, Harry got out of the train, coming to me again, now being watched intently by the family.

"That family knows who we are Harry," I say, mktioning to the family.

"I know, but let's not pay attention to that now, OK?" He said, finally showing some confidence.

"Just have fun out there Harry," I said, hugging him one last time. "I'll miss you so much..."

"I'll write to you," he said. "Every day."

I laughed, knowing he would in the beginning, but would fail at some point.

Even though he didn't want to.

"I'm gonna miss you too, little sis," he said sassy and I groaned in annoyance.

"Me too, big bro." I said, equally sassy, but I felt pretty emotional on the inside.

The train's signal to leave went and Harry hastily boarded the train, looking back at me once more, but when the kind family came close, Harry turned to their mother.

"Ma'am!" Harry yelled to her and she turned to see Harry.

"Could you make sure my sister here gets to the bus to go home safely?"

The mother smiled sweetly and nodded looking at me with an inviting smile.

"Bye Lucy," Harry waved at me and the train took off and the girl from the family, that also stayed behind, started running after it.

I decided to do the same and surprisingly, I ran really fast.

Eventually I had to stop though, as the train had gathered too much speed for me to keep up and so did the girl.

Lucy Potter: Harry's little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now