Chapter Seven ~ Reading Time

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We went to the arcade and the boys decided to spread around. Since me and Namjoon didnt want to be in the arcade so we went to the libary. We took one book and went here.

We went to the first one from the right thats up

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We went to the first one from the right thats up. Namjoon went before me and i went right after him. We cuddled. I was holding the book, while his arms were around my waist. His head was resting on my shoulder. He was peacfully listening to what i was reading. Every now and then he gave me soft kisses on my neck.


Went to the arcade amd we decided to split into pairs. Me and Y/N were in one pair and since we didnt want to be in the arcade. We decided to go to the libary. I was paying attention on the tour. The one where she was dragging us all around the building. Well the one she was dragging me. Since i was the first one next to her when we got out of the car, she took my hand and dragged me around. I could hear the boys silently laughting behind me. I was enjoying the tour. Maybe it was because Y/N explained everything in detail or maybe because my hand never left hers. So now i decided to take my revange. When we were standing outside of the arcade, i decided to take her hand in mine and drag her to the libary. I went to one of this cool thingys before her and the moment i laid there she came. I took her in my arms. My arms were wrapped around her wait. And my legs were wrapped around hers. I put my head on her shoulder and was listening to what she was reading. Never once did i stop listening. She turned around to see if i was listening every now and than. I didnt want her to stop reading so i placed soft kisses on her neck every now and than. After some time she was done reading the book so we decided that i would read another book that we picked. We went out fron there. I was waiting for Y/N for few minutes and then she came holding two bottles of water. Then she climbed inside the thingy and placed the waters next to her along side some books that we choose. I went after her. We were in the same positing as before. Her tiny arms were wraped around my waist. Her legs were wrapped around mine. And her tiny head was resting on my shoulder. And just like i was listening to her very carfully, she was listening to me very carefully. She placed soft kisses on my neck every now and then. Just like i did to her. It was so hard to concertrate on what i was reading, but i think i did the same to her, so that might be why shes doing this right now. I was now at the half of the book, and she wouldnt stop giving me kisses on my neck. So i gave her a soft peck on her lips. She was frozen. I told her that i cant concentrate on what im reading while shes giving me soft kisses on my neck and she said she couldnt either so i should bare with it. Aish this girl. I was done reading the book and we switched the positions again. She was now reading the book. Few book later and few hours later someone came to us. It was the worker.

Worker: Im sorry guys, but you will need to leave due to closing.

Y/N: We will stay. Ill lock.

Worker: Im so sorry mam'. I didnt notice you.

He bowed a little and then left.

Namjoon: Y/Nie?

Y/N: Yeah?

Namjoon: Do you.. perhaps.. own this whole building?

Y/N: Yeah. Why?

Namjoon: Nothing. Lets go back to reading.

(Libary closes at eight and arcade closes at ten from monday to friday and on saturday and sunday it works from 0-24)

We read books a little more. I really had fun. But that fun didnt last long. Soon we felt six pair of eyes on us.


Hi guyss!
Sorry this chapter was a bit shorter then
Im sorry i didnt post yesterday, even tho
i said i will, but i was a bit busy yesterday
so i didnt really have time to write
much. Also i will be taking a bit break from this book. I dont really have lots of inspiration for the book a the moment
so ill post whenever i have inspiration of what to write. Im currently working
on another book. Its called
,,Summer fling (Yoongi × Reader)"
If you want you can go and check it out.
I will post the book in few days. I decided to write few chapters before posting it.
Have a nice day!

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