"I want Adrien Agreste!" The young woman yelled as she flew down the hallways and the streets of Paris. Tikki entered into the room and found Alya. Alya looked at Tikki who was holding Marinette's earrings. "She used her last will power to fight until she could give me her miraculous to keep them from Shadow Moth." Tikki explained. With everyone running around, Adrien easily managed to separate himself from the group. Once alone, Adrien opened his shirt and Plagg came out with a slice of Cabernet cheese. For the first time, Plagg seemed at loss of words. "You heard it, Plagg. I don't want to hurt Marinette." Adrien said as he looked at his miraculous then at Plagg. "Marinette is in trouble now and she is going to need your help, Adrien. Not, Chat Noir." Alya said as she looked at Tikki and Plagg. "Marinette is strong. I believe that she can fight off Shadow Moth on her own. I believe in her, I'm sure she can do it." Adrien said as he looked at his friend, Tikki, and Plagg. "I want Adrien Agreste!" Marinette yelled as Adrien sighed before leaving the bathroom and Plagg with his miraculous where it was safe. "I am right here, Marinette!" Adrien said as he walked up to her, a little terrified about what could happen. Marinette saw Adrien's dead and began fighting harder to resist the temptations and negative emotions. She looked at Alya and Adrien as she fought off the Shadow Moth and the powers of the akuma. "Everything you need is in my bag, Alya." She said as she looked at her best friend. She nodded in acknowledgement. She ran off and transformed into Sacrabella. She came back transformed, she summoned her Lucky Charm which was an bracelet identical to the one Adrien gave Marinette for her birthday. She looked around her power is sight. It spotted the key elements Adrien, the bracelet and Marinette. "Adrien, Catch!" She said as she threw the bracelet to him. Marinette caught it instead and stared at it. She smiled softly as she remembered when she received the bracelet from Adrien. She closed her eyes as the memories flooded into her brain. "The really important things are the hardest to say, aren't they?" Marinette said as she cried looking at Chat Noir who was fighting an akumitized citizen. "It's precisely when something is important that it is important to say it, no matter what." Chat Noir said as he looked over at Ladybug. "Cat Noir, you know your irreplaceable." Ladybug said as they went and fought crime together. "You are nothing without your Cat Noir." Queen Bee said as Chat Noir joined her. "Cat Noir and I are a team." She said as they confronted Chloé. All of their memories together flooded into her brain. "We are Ladybug and Cat Noir. Ladybug by itself doesn't sound as cool." She remembered herself saying as she and Chat Noir fought together. The memories faded and strung together as tears flowed from her eyes. "A duo, me and you against the world, M'Lady." Chat Noir said as he looked at the wall placing his hand onto it. "If you take me on then you take Cat Noir on too." She remembered herself saying. She grabbed Chat Noir's hand and held it in her own. "It's us against the world." Chat Noir said. "As Always." She said as the memories faded to black.'

"Us against the world!" She whispered to herself. "As Always!" Adrien said as he looked at Marinette. It was this that knocked some sense into herself. She began fighting Shadow Moth and his powers. "I will not hurt Ladybug and Cat Noir, Shadow Moth and I will never ever use my powers to hurt others." Marinette said as she looked at Adrien. She continued fighting off the evil man as Ayla used her yo-yo to grab Marinette's backpack. She then ripped the bag in half which released the akuma. "No more evil-doing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize." Sacrabella said as she caught the akuma with her yo-yo. "Gotcha!" She said as she opened the yo yo which released the akuma, which had turned into a normal butterfly. "Bye-bye, little butterfly." Ayla said as she then threw her Lucky Charm into the air, its energy turning everything back to normal. Marinette had used all of her energy to escape the grasp of Shadow Moth and his akuma. When the spell was broken, she collapsed. Adrien noticed and caught her in his arms as she fell unconscious. They took her home to the bakery and Ayla explained what happened to Marinette's parents. They then brought her to her room and put her into her bed.When she opened her eyes, she noticed that she was in her room, Alya and her friends where in her room. She looked over and saw Adrien sitting down on the loveseat that was in her room. "Adrien, your safe." She said softly as he noticed she was awake. "What happened?" She asked as the memories of her being akumatized remained in her head. "You were akumatized, but you were able to resist and fight off, Shadow Moth." Adrien explained as he climbed onto her bed. He unexpectedly wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly. She fell asleep on Adrien, who was holding her. He played with her hair and just held her in his arms for hours before he finally had to leave and go home.

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