Chapter Five ۞ Realization

Start from the beginning

"Yes, we do already have the plan laid out for the opening of the lake. However, we only have one shot at it and it will require a lot of strength from Charles and Tamara." Corvan paused. "Our only problem is how we are going to lure them out."

'Let me take care of that as well.'

"Well, then, with those issues set aside . . ." Charles interjected suddenly, having calmed down after a short break. "Let's get this plan started."

"Do we get to do those walkie-talkie things?" Valeriana cheerfully inquired.

When the Twelve turned to look at her with questioning gazes, her mood faltered almost instantly and she gave out a huge sigh, flicking her wrist at them dismissively.

"Never mind."


Valeriana tried to preoccupy herself with the mission at hand, but, since they did not ask her to do much, she had to sit back and watch everyone else move around. This made her feel somewhat useless, not to mention her sight was turning a bit blurry for some reason. She took this as feeling sleepy, so she decided to lay down for a bit and close her eyes.

Behind her lids, she was trying to discern what sort of thing the new blessing unlocked this time. Unlike the instant moment she heard dolphins talk, this was taking a bit too long to take effect. A bit impatient, she hid under the makeshift blanket she managed to hack off from someone's bag and started grumbling. Really. She wanted to help out as well. She wasn't that useless for god's sake. Here they go again—underestimating her. Just because she got into trouble again didn't mean she would in this one.

"Valeriana," Genevieve's concerned voice called from above. "Are you feeling alright?"

"I'm fine." She childishly answered back, keeping her face under the covers.

"Come on, it's not that we aren't allowing you to help out." This time, it was Elfre who spoke up.

"We just want you to rest for the meantime, alright?" Aneeka told her. "You helped out enough. You brought back Cifaro, remember?"

"You guys always say that." Valeriana said. "But you just don't want me on the way."

"Stop being childish already!" Tamara harshly nudged her side with her foot and teasingly kicked her.

"Ow! Ow! Tamara, I so hate you—" She threw off the blanket and glared up at the girls, only to scream as she saw their appearances. Pushing herself away from them, she backed up against the corner and rubbed her eyes.

"What's wrong? Do we look like monsters now to you?"

"You—you guys are rainbows!"

They stared at her questioningly.

"Oh great, she just went crazy." Tamara stated simply, referring to the girl with a brief wave of her hand. "Somebody knock some sense into this girl's head and tell her unicorns exist."

It wasn't as though they all turned into monsters. It was just that, they were all covered by an array of different colors—sort of like rainbows, but there was one specific shade that was dominant overall. Tamara mostly had blue around her, Elfre's had a lighter shade of blue that was almost translucent, Genevieve had something purplish with a shade of yellow and Courtney, who was standing by idly behind all of them, had a pale, transparent baby blue color. There were many more combinations but the designs were too elaborate to describe accurately. All she could say was that they all came with different shapes and sizes, not to mention activity. The colors moved around and, so far, Tamara's was the wildest.

"Um . . . um . . ." She didn't know what to make of what she was seeing.

Valeriana stood up slowly, eyes wide in total wonder. She approached Tamara first, gazing at the blue fire that seemed to burn around her. Reaching out slowly, she tried to caress one part. Successfully, she came into contact with it, causing Tamara's eyes to shoot wide simultaneously as hers closed.

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