Storm Before the Calm: Part 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers. Only my OCs.

Chapter 30: Storm Before the Calm: Part 1

Grinning at the persistent clicking, Cam looked over at Zoey and Jenna. "What are the two of you doing? You've been typing away on those laptops for the past three hours."

Laughing, the girls looked up at the genius, "Finishing up some last-minute paperwork for the new school year." Zoey said, taking a drink of her smoothie, "My brother just got his doctorate, finally, and has decided to accept a teaching position at Reefside."

"Something about wanting the quiet life while still researching and protecting the Dino Gems." Jenna leaned back with a smirk, "Really not sure how that's going to work out for him, but we refuse to miss it."

"So, we decided go sign up for a Student Teacher Study program for a year. With both of our backgrounds and degrees in Science and History," Zoey beamed, "we've been approved to work in both departments."

"And done!" Jenna looked over as they stood up, "We'll be turning these in, along with our final paper for the year. If all goes accordingly, I just received my bachelor's in Snow Hydrology." High-fiving Zoey, she frowned at the confused look on the Green Ranger's face, "Oh, come on, Mr. Genius. It's the scientific study in the field of hydrology which focuses on the composition, dispersion, and movement of snow and ice. Things like snowfall, accumulation and melt are important hydrological processes in watersheds at high altitudes or latitudes."

"Yeah," Zoey stood up, "and she plans on continuing on so she can get her PhD in Glaciology. I'm so proud."

"I'm also minoring in Climatology and Paleoclimatology; which is one of the things I'll be studying with Tommy. Other studies are going to be Cryobiology, Crytheropy, Crypto Anthropology, Cryptology and Symbology."

"You really love your snow and ice." He shook his head as he and Sensei smiled at them. "You and Zoey just can't help yourselves with all those classes, can you?"

"Um, yeah. It's basically my whole core. I've always been drawn to it." She hugged Zoey around the shoulders, "Same way with Zoey here and her historical sciences. She just can't make up her mind about which one she loves more. Plus, I like puzzles."

"Says the girl who, just yesterday, decided she wanted to start studying Paleobotany. The reason being, and I quote, 'I'm sick of having the same hobby as a certain former Pink Ranger, and I need to up my game' unquote." She grinned at the pout on Jenna's face, "Zack started laughing so hard, we thought he was having an asthma attack. And he doesn't have asthma."

"Oh, shut it."

Just then, the rest of the Rangers came running in, talking excitedly.

"What's going on?" Cam asked, curious.

"Kelly is sponsoring Shane and Dustin in the US Action Games. We wanted to see if we could go?" Raina pleaded with Sensei.

"Plus, we all realized that we forgot to ask you three if you wanted to come with us." Tori said, wryly.

"So, it slipped all your minds?" Cam asked, amused. "I mean, Dustin, I can believe."

"Hey, I was the one who remembered," he defended.

"It's true. He was." Raina grinned up at him.

"That's a first." Andy smirked, smacking Dusting on the should

"Why aren't you entered?" Shane looked at Zoey, "I mean, out of all of us, I thought for sure you would have been the first one to sign up."

"I've got too much on my plate. Finishing up my school work for the year, getting set-up at Reefside High, moving completely in with my brother, extra training to help Andy, and extra magic training for myself. Not to mention dealing with an Evil Space Ninja bent on conquering the world." She stretched with a grin, "I knew about the games, but I didn't know you two were being sponsored. Congratulations."

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