The Samurai's Journey: Part 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers. Only my OCs.

Chapter 15: The Samurai's Journey: Part 1

Zoey was grinning when she walked into Ninja Ops. She had just come back from a little visit with her brother and decided to bring Kit back to Blue Bay for a while. "Sorry I'm late, Sensei," she said, bowing, "I had to get Tommy to bring me back so I can carry Kit and her stuff. It's still okay that I bring her, right?"

"It's quit alright, Zoey. I understand." Sensei said, standing on some bricks in the middle of the room. The other Rangers were standing around him, while Cam sat at the computer. "And yes, you may bring Kit to stay with you."

Zoey nodded and quickly walked over to the couch to lay down her mini cat tree. It was made of pink and black faux fur and looked like a hammock. It had a scratching post on one side and couple of toys hanging down. Zoey laid the little fox in her bed, set out a couple more toys, and put down her food and water bowl. By the time she was finished, Kit had already fallen asleep.

"That is one spoiled little fox." Tori said, as everyone was watching her.

"You should see her room at my brother's house." She commented as she walked over to join the others, "Now, what's going on."

"Where's Jenna?" Shane wondered.

"Jenna is in Ocean Bluff taking her Master's Test. She has been excused from this lesson." Sensei said, getting everyone attention back, "Not that she needs this anyways, as she has already graduated, which is why I was okay with Zoey running late."

"Yeah, because she's special!" Dustin said sarcastically, wincing as Tori slapped him on the back of the head. "Focus on Sensei."

Everyone looked down again with various expressions of doubt, confusion, and knowing.

Hunter looked more skeptical than anyone. "No way, dude." He said, shaking his head, "There's no way he does it."

"I dunno dude," Dustin smiled, "he is pretty strong for a little guy."

"Quiet," Shane hissed. "A little respect for the Master."

"Watch closely Rangers," Sensei spoke from the ground in the middle. "HIYA!" Letting out a yell, he smashed through the brick. Five out of the six Rangers looked on in shocked as they laughed in disbelief, while Zoey just smiled in acknowledgement.

"That was radical!" Blake said in awe, shaking his head.

"You were saying?" Tori smirked at Hunter, who couldn't take his eyes off the brick.

"I stand corrected," Hunter said, looking back up, "but how?"

"The power comes not from the body," Zoey stated, "but from the mind."

"That is correct, Zoey," Sensei said.

"Alright," Hunter announced with a grin. "I'm up!"

"You sure you want to go there?" Blake smirked.

"Look, if he can do it..." Hunter hesitated, looking down at Sensei, "um, I can give it my best shot."

"Hunter," Zoey said, smiling next to Tori, "just remember that Jenna's not here. So, if you get hurt, who's going to kiss your poor little Thunder Bug ego?"

"Shut it, Pinky!" Hunter said, throwing a frown at Zoey. She just shrugged and smirked.

Shane placed a new brick down and winked at him, smirking as he stepped back to the others. Hunter knelt down and slammed his hand down on the brick. He gasp in pain as Shane and Dustin started laughing. The girls covered their mouths, trying not to grin. Blake shoved Shane in his shoulder, glaring at him.

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