Brotherly Love

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Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers. Only my OCs.

Chapter 14: Brotherly Love

Everyone was in Ninja Ops watching Zoey and Jenna spar. After a few blocks, Jenna cried out as pink fox shot out and slammed her into a wall. Laughing, Zoey ran over to check on her. "Are you ok?"

Grumbling, Jenna just sent her a look, "Vixey? Really?" she asked, dusting herself off, "Was that necessary?"

"You're the one that's supposed to be ready for her Master's Test," she said, patting her on the back, "which means, you have to be ready for anything."

"What's a Vixey?" Tori asked as everyone was looking on in confusion.

"Her Fox." Jenna explained, "Since our Animal Spirits are a part of us, it's just weird calling them Fox or Wolf." She walked over gave Hunter a hug, "So we gave them names."

"I named mine Vixey. As in Vixen, meaning female fox." Zoey said, walking over, "And Jenna named hers Tala, which is Native American for wolf." She stopped and smirked, pointing her finger at her friend. "I've been meaning to tell you something."


"Big brother knows all!"

"You told your brother about me?!" Horrified, Jenna leaned her head on Hunter's shoulder.

"Actually, no, I didn't." Curious, Jenna looked up, "First of all, our brothers know about the Ninja Academies because of Zordon. Which is why we were able to get away with going all these years." They nodded in agreement, "Secondly, you're talking about Jason and Tommy. They would have figured it out themselves. Which is why I told them about the morpher the day I got it. I needed a cover story for coming to Blue Bay." Then she grinned, looking back at Jenna, "And lastly, I didn't have to say anything. They've seen us fight our whole life. Hell, they taught us most of what we know. Jason called you in Europe and told you about the Academies. Then you show up at Kelly's shop here in Blue Bay. You think they're not going to see the Ice Ninja Ranger, with the way she fights, and not figure it out?" She rolled her eyes, "Please. I called Tommy to let him know that you were back from Myanmar and he admitted that they figured it out. All of them."

"I'm dead."

"You? Oh, no. See, you'll get a little reprimand for not coming to them about the morpher. Then they'll praise you for following in your big brother's footsteps." She grinned and pointed a finger at Hunter, "However, they've never met the boyfriend." Hunter's smiled dropped, "And you know how protective they are of us. They've given all of our past boyfriends the third degree, while restraining themselves. The big bad Power Rangers." Laughing, she continued, "But this will be the first time one of us has dated a fellow Ranger, that they know about, and had the ability to go full Dragon on them." Hunter looked scared. Like really, scared.

"Dragon?" Blake asked, amused.

"Well, Tommy's first Zord was the Green DragonZord. And Jason's second Zord was the Red Dragon Thunder Zord."

"My advice, dude," Shane said as they all laughed, "Run."


They all walked into Storm Chargers talking. Zoey was walking backwards while talking. "I'm telling you, J, you're going to pass. You just have to have faith in yourself." Not paying attention, she backed right into someone. They both turned around at the same time to apologize. "I'm so sorry..." Trailing off, she squealed excitement. "Emily!" She threw her arms around the older woman. "What are you doing here?" She moved to the side so Jenna could hug her sister-in-law.

"We came to look at a potential space for the new dojo and thought we'd see how you two were doing." She commented leaning back to look at Jenna. "You came back awful quickly." Smiling, she waved her hand before Jenna could comment, "Don't worry. He's not mad at you. He's actually quite proud of you. They all are."

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