Looming Thunder

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Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers. Only my OCs.

Chapter 3: Looming Thunder

Zoey walked into Storm Chargers, ready to start her first day.

"Hey Zoey," The red haired young woman smiled at her. "You ready to get started?" She asked. As Zoey went to reply, Dustin shot past, looking anxious.

"Yes I am. You still taking Dustin to the track?" Zoey asked her, and Kelly smiled.

"Yes. And I'd like for you to come with me. I could use some help with the equipment." She grinned, "I know you used to ride. Would you like to test?"

"I'd rather just focus on work for now. With all of my online classes, I don't have time to take on any competitions." Zoey replied. "Not that I don't mind blowing off some steam with some extracurricular activities, just nothing serious."

"Understood." Kelly looked over, "Let's head out. I think Dustin's getting fidgety."


Dustin shot over the hills as he raced around the track, and Zoey watched as Kelly timed him.

"He's good," Zoey commented as she watched the Yellow Ranger fly around the corner, ahead of most of the other racers. "He's really good." She paused when she saw two more bikes hurtling around the track, closing in on Dustin fast. As he flew over another hill, the two bikes shot past him, crossing the finishing line ahead of him.

"Looks like there's some new talent in town," Kelly mused as Dustin rode up to them. He pulled off his helmet and revealed that he looked just as confused as Kelly did.

"Man, have you ever seen those guys before?" He asked as he glanced over at the pair. They rode to a clear spot nearby as Kelly shook her head.

"They ride like factory pros, I would have remembered them," Kelly replied as she watched them.

"I'm just glad they don't race 125," Dustin grinned and Kelly laughed. Zoey watched curiously as the mysterious pair pulled off their helmets. The one in dark red gear was much taller and had blond hair that fell into his eyes, and the one in deep blue gear was short, with short dark hair. "I'm gonna go say hey," Dustin decided.

Zoey stopped him before he could leave. "Wait. I want to come too." She didn't understand why those two guys seemed familiar to her. She has an eidetic memory. She never forgets a face.

"Keep an eye on him, will you?" Kelly asked as she started cleaning up their things to put into the van.

"I don't need to be watched, Kelly. Geez." Dustin complained.

Zoey laughed and nodded, "No problem, Kelly. Gotcha covered." She jumped on his back and wrapped her arms around him, "Come on dirt boy. Let's go." Dustin groaned, but grinned as he took off down the hill.

"Hey there, how's it going?" Dustin greeted the pair as he and Zoey reached them.

"Track's a little soggy." the blond replied, not appearing too friendly as he climbed off his bike. He barely even looked at them, and Dustin's smile faltered slightly.

"That didn't seem to slow you guys down." Dusting pressed ahead anyways as Zoey got down from his back.

"I'm Blake," The shorter one spoke up, and rolled his eyes at the other racer. "Tall dark and brooding over here is my brother Hunter," he added as the blonde made no move to speak up.

"You guys are brothers?" Dustin couldn't hide his surprise as he looked from one to the other.

"They're obviously adopted." Zoey rolled her eyes, figuring out why they were familiar but keeping it to herself. Some secrets are best left unsaid. For now. Dustin nodded and looked away, looking uncomfortable.

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