Chapter 6

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My alarm went off waking me from the best sleep i have ever had. The bed was so comfortable and soft, the alarm continued to ring loudly so i thought that i should turn it off before it woke others up.

I rolled over and dismissed it, 5 in the morning. I groaned and forced myself to go and have a shower, i jumped out and wrapped the towl around my body, brushed my teeth than made my way to my suit case. I was going to the gym with my brothers so i needed to be warm but still able to move about. I picked out a black pair of trackies and a long blue singlet, i threw on my black jumper and my runners. I applied light foundation and some mascara, brushed my hair and put it up into a pony tail with my fringe hanging out to the right of my face.

I grabbed my phone and made my way out the door and down the stairs. I wasnt expecting anyone to be up so i deicded to go and get a banana for my breakfast, i would usually eat a huge breakfast but i didnt want to get a stitch. I walked into the kitchen and looked up at the clock, 6am, The boys should be up soon. After i finished my banana and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge i heard someone come down the stairs. I whipped my head around expecting to see my brothers, but it was just Niall and Zayn. When they saw me walking out of the kitchen Zayn looked over to Niall and nudged him, I dont think i was supposed to see it so i just thought nothing of it.

"Hey, why are you up early?" I looked over to them, they looked like they had just woken up since both of them were just in some jeans and no shirt. Damn! They were ripped! I had to force my self to stop looking at their stomachs.
"Havent been to sleep, heard some noises down stairs so we decided to come and check it out." They were both sounded to awake, How could they sound like that after being awake for nearly 24 hours?
"Okay mate" I looked up the stairs, i couldnt believe they were still asleep? Usually they were gone by 6 and its now 6:15.
"Oh yeah, your borthers told me, to tell you, that they didnt want you to go to the gym with them becuase your annoying or something" Niall tralied off at the end. I groaned! This was unusuall. They always wait for me to go to training with them. Stuff them im going to the gym!

I got up and headed for the door, grabbing my wallat from the bench on my way out, i felt someone grab my wrist before i could reach the door. I turned back to see Zayn, i tried to struggle out of his grip but he was strong.
"Why cant i go?" I asked, pouting a little.
"They dont want you to." He let go and just stood there looking at me, i faced the floor and gripped my purse tightly, held my hands accros my chest, than botled out the door as fast as i could. Something was up with the boys and i was going to find out what. I ran as fast i possibly could in the direction that me and Niall walked in yesterday.

I saw Nandos but restrained myself from going in there, i turned around to see if there was anyone behind me, nope. I started walking and called for a cab, before it came I checked to see which gym they were at. I typed in James twitter name and the first thing that came up was "Cant wait to train in my first London Gym! #proworkoutgymlondon"  Okay so i now knew where they where, a cab came along and let me in. I told him where to go and i was there after about 10 miniutes, i paid the fare and got out, i was amazed at how big the gym was! I walked inside, wrote my name down and paid $20 to get in. There was so much amazing equiptment, I made my way quickly to the boxing bags knowing thats where James and William always train first.

I stood behind them for a miniute before making a sound so they knew someone was behind them. They turned around with smiles on their faces that quickly droped to frowns.
"Why didnt you let me come!?" I was so angry with them!
"Becuase.... I dont know we didnt want you to come! You can do your own things you know!" Of course William would be the first to answer.
"Smeh! The gym is OUR thing" I said pointing to all three of us. They shurgged and started puching the bag again. I groaned than made my way to the boxing bag next to them, i put on my nuckle protectors and started punching. After about 30 miniutes we all moved on to running/jogging for 20 miniutes before taking our 10 miniute break. While we were drinking water and relaxing, in came everyone from last night, panting.
"Wow chill out you guys" I said gesturing for them so sit down somewhere.
"We tried stopping her, but shes really fast!" Zayn and Niall explained to the boys, all worried before realising that we were all sweating.
"It doesnt matter, she got here so we just let her stay. Speaking of 10 miniutes is up, back to the bags you guys!" I groaned and stood up making my way to the punching bag that i was using before, William was so strict about how long we did each thing for, never a miniute more and never a miniute less. I trained as hard as the boys so i was pretty fit, but than i become unfit with all of the junk food i eat. After a good 40 minitues we stopped and turned around to see that they were all still waiting, they were sort of amazed. I quickly went to my drink bottle and gulped it down, as did the boys.

"Damn girl! You can throw a punch!" Clare exclained. I laughed a little.
"Yeah thats what happend when you grow up with these two" I smiled and Clare punched Louis in the arm.
"Ow, What was that for?!" Louis stopped his convosation with Harry to look over at the angry girl who was about half a head shorter than him.
"Thats for not teaching me how to fight! growing up with you all i learned was how to sing like a dieing cat!" We all laughed and headed out to grab some take away than head back home.

Niall and I got Nandos, William and James got McDonalds becuase they are just as healthy as i am. Than the others got Taco Bell. We made our way back home, i was talking with Clare the whole time we were walking back, she was really nice and easy to get along with. By the time we got back home, Clare and I had already made planes to go out shopping tommorrow. We all ate and i told stories about back home. We had decieded to watch some movies, but the problem was that no one had any.

"Okay Harry and Zayn go get the movies and we will all wait here untill you get back." Liam directed, Zayn and Harry got up, grabbed the keys and walked out. After about 2 miniutes of silence, Niall broke the never ending silence.
"You guys do realise that we just sent Harry and Zayn to pick movies." We thought about it for a while, thinking that they would bring back the worst movies ever and we all broke up in laughter.

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