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It's already 2 am. You're so tired that you passed out after having sex. Sanzu took his phone from the nightstand and checked his mails. There's a message from his boss, Mikey.

He got out of the bed and put on his clothes. As much as he wanted to stay, he has an urgent work to do. He pulled up the duvet up to your chest to cover your body.

Sanzu kissed your forehead and left without saying anything.


Your alarm went off at its usual time. You slowly opened your eyes and felt disappointed seeing the other side of bed empty and cold.

You heaved a sigh. It's been a while since you had a good sleep that you didn't even noticed he left.

Suddenly, your Iphone vibrated. You felt over excited that you didn't checked who the caller was. You answered immediately. "Haru?"

In a creepy machine masked voice, the caller sang a familiar nursery rhyme song but with different lyrics.

Take the key and lock her up
Lock her up
Lock her up
Take the key and lock her up
My fair, ladddyyy~

You felt a chill run down your spine and threw your phone on the wall. Just when you thought you are on bliss, things went back to reality. You are not saved. The temporary comfort and pleasure did not saved you from this misery.

The lewd moans from last night has turned to wailings. You feel so alone and scared. Curled up like a fetus in bed, you are trembling and broken as if your soul left your body.


Time passed slow for you but you didn't noticed that it's already night time since you skipped work and hid yourself inside the thick duvet.

You had enough...

This exhaustion will never end. With clouded mind you got up from your bed. You went straight to the bathroom and filled the tub with hot water. Rummaging through your drawer, you grabbed the eyebrow shaver.

Slicing the blade through your wrist, no pain was felt but an ice cold sensation. Blood started to drip and you starred at it blankly.

I'll finally be free...

You sat beside the hot water filled bathtub and dipped your wounded wrist along with your whole arm. Leaning your head down, you closed your eyes...

My fair, Stalker...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora