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Take the key and lock her up~
And lock her up~
And lock her up~
Take the key and lock her up~
My fair, Lady~

"Stop it Haru!!! I don't wanna hear it!!!" Covering your ears so you won't hear his voice, you started trembling from fear and stress he is causing you. Instead of pitying you he felt more aroused seeing how messy you became from tears and sweat.

He pulled your disheveled hair toward him.

"you are such a disobedient woman. Maybe i did not disciplined you well." He whispered in your ears. You felt his breath shaking not sure if its because of anger or because he is turned on. With your back leaning on his body, you felt his bulging shaft poking you.

"Haruchiyo I'm sorry. I'm not gonna run away anymore. I'll stay with you until you get tired of me so please... don't lock me up and hurt me."

His hand slowly trailed your neck. You felt his finger slowly wrapped around your neck. He is so mad you can no longer tell if he still plans to let you live.

" I'd make you bear my child so you'd be stuck with me forever... "

My fair, Stalker...Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя