Aragorn turns to me and gives me a reassuring smile. No doubt my fear is shown clearly on my face. “This is Eilonwy, my child,” he says to the girl, but he says it loudly so that all of the others in the room can hear.

If only the floor would swallow me.

I see a blonde haired elleth turn to look at Legolas with wide eyes and a radiant smile when she hears my name.

Aragorn sets the child back on her feet, and she walks over to me with a sheepish grin, her dress flowing behind her. “Hello, my lady. My name is Estrith,” she says to me quietly.

My heart melts for the adorable child, and I bend down to where I am looking at her eye-to-eye. “It is wonderful to meet you, Estrith. I am Eilonwy,” I say and smile at her, and I look down at the doll in her hands, “I like your doll.”

Her eyes turn bright with excitement, and she thrusts the doll in my face so that I can get a clear view of it. Aragorn and a few of the others laugh at the child’s eagerness. I laugh lightly and gently take the doll from her hands. The doll is sewn expertly together. It has bright blue eyes and brown hair, just like Estrith does.

“Daddy gave it to me,” she says and analyzes me carefully to make sure that I do not ruin the doll somehow, “It is supposed to look like me.”

“It looks exactly like you, Estrith,” I say softly to her as I carefully place the doll back into her small, awaiting hands, “Beautiful.” I smile tenderly at the small child.

She looks up at me with so much happiness in her eyes, and her smile is so bright that I am sure it could light up the whole room. “Thank you, Lady Eilonwy,” she says politely and looks up at her father with a grin.

“You are most welcome,” I say and stand, and I clasp my hands together in front of me.

“Would you like to play with me?” Estrith asks, looking up at me with round, innocent eyes, “I have another doll that you can play with.”

Aragorn chuckles deeply and places a hand on her shoulder. “I doubt Lady Eilonwy wants to play, Estrith.”

She pouts.

I laugh brightly at the girl. “I will play with you later, how is that?” I offer.

She squints her eyes at me analytically. “Will you really?” she questions as if she has been told this many times and was blown off.

I nod. “I promise,” I say with a laugh.

She giggles. “I will find you later then!” she exclaims and scampers out of the room.

Aragorn looks at me with a fond smile. “You will regret that deal later. Estrith plays with her dolls for hours on end,” he says with an amused laugh.

“I do not mind,” I say honestly and smile widely as I think of little Estrith and her doll.

Lady Galadriel motions for me to come over to her. “Come, Eilonwy,” she says with a motherly smile, “You have yet to meet everyone.”

I hesitantly walk over to her and the dark haired elves. I immediately recognize one of them as Lord Elrond from the visions that I saw in the Mirror of Galadriel. Two ellyn stand beside him, and I recognize them as the twins who I also saw in the Mirror.

Galadriel smiles, placing one hand on my lower back. “Eilonwy, this is Lord Elrond of Rivendell, his wife Lady Celebrain, and his sons Elladan and Elrohir,” she says, gesturing to each one as she names them.

I bow to them. “It is an honor to meet you all,” I say.

Lord Elrond bows to me, and his wife smiles kindly. “I am honored, as well, to finally meet the daughter of Edwemen and Hithaeriel,” Elrond says. His voice is deep and rumbling.

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