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Two weeks had past and it was just on and off working and uni. Ellie was finally feeling better and we was just about to go to the cafe for a little catch up.

"Hey girl" she says. She still has bruises on her face and some redness on her arms. And a massive bruise on her leg but other than that she was fully recovered. Today was the first proper day she had led her bed so we didn't want to do anything to much.

"Hello angel" I replied as we started to walk.

"So. Tell me everything. I feel like I've missed so much" she winked.

"Nothing much has happened to be honest. Me and Alex haven't been seeing much of each over unless were at work together because we're both been so busy" i sighed.

"You guys are so cute. I cant believe you finally have a man that treats you well" she smiled.

"It's time to get you a man that treat you well now your better" I replied.

"Who says I haven't" she winked.

"WHAT??" I shouted. Everyone turned around to look.

She was quite as we stepped into the cafe. We took our seat in the booth at the back. The normal place we sit. We both order our drinks. I get a Diet Coke and Ellie gets a Fanta lemon.

"No more being silent" i insist.

"Fine. The doctor that was looking after me. You know the blonde one with freckles. Well I kind of have his number" she smiled.

"Oh my god. THATS GREAT. He was so hot" I laughed.

"Yea. We're nothing serious yet but he said he's taking me out for a drink soon, and ever since I left hospital we've been texting every now and then" she grinned.

"That's literally amazing. But I have to admit I'm kinda mad that I'm only finding out about this now" I said.

"Sorry. I've been busy recovering" she chuckled.

"Of course. How could I forget" I laughed.

Our food come to the table. I ordered a full English and Ellie ordered a ham and cheese omelet with chips. Once we both finished our meals I heard my phone ringing from my pocket.

Incoming call from: 'Alex😻'

"Hello my angel" he said. His Yorkshire accent got me every time. Even tho it's something I'm used to.

"Hello stranger" I smiled through the phone.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out later?" he asked.

"Of course. What do u wanna do?" I questioned.

"Well. You know I'm in a band." He said.

"Yes" I said. Jumping to conclusions.

"What do you mean idiot. I haven't even asked you yet. You don't know what I was gonna say" he laughed.

"Okay then ask me" I said in excitement.

"Wanna come see us play?" He asked. I could feel his smile through the phone. 

"YESS. Oh my god this is so exited. I finally get to meet the boys and their girls and see you perform" I shouted in excitement.

"Your so cute. I will pick you up at seven darling. Is that okay?" He said.

"Of course! See you later handsome. Mwah" I replied.

"Mwah" he added before ending the call.

Me and Alex did this thing at the end of a call where we blew each over a kiss. It's a way of appreciating each over but not saying 'love you'. I think it's kinda cute.

"I feel like I was just third wheeling through the phone and I didn't think that was possible" ellie said. Thinking she's hilarious.

"Shut up. He asked me to go out later to watch him and his band play. I cant fucking wait" I smiled.

"Oh my god that's the cutest thing. You have to film some and send it to me I'm gonna need to see this" she giggled.

Hired: An Alex Turner fanfic Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora