So are we

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Emma's POV:

I must have feel to sleep on Alex because when I woke up I felt like I had a piece of me missing.

"Alex. Alex where are you" I muttered.

The clock said it was 2am and I could see the light was on outside my door.

I got up out of bed and see Alex and my mum in my sisters room. Oh fuck.

"Alex. Mum. What's going on?" I asked whilst rubbing my eyes.

"Riley's just getting up all of the alcohol and edibles she consumed it's all okay" Alex reassured me.

"Emma you could have told me Riley was in this state" she sighed.

"Yea but we had Alex so it was fine. I didn't want to disturb you" I told her.

"I'm going back to bed will you be okay mum?" yea it's fine you guys to bed she will be okay soon.

"Emma" Alex said whilst walking back to my room.

This man was still walking around in his jeans and shirt.

"Alex" I replied sarcastically.

I shut the door behind us and we got back into the same position we was in before. All cuddled up.

"This feels so familiar to me" he whispered.

"Is this you opening up to me, people always say you can admit your feelings at night"I smiled. Running my hand up the side of his face.

"Stop ruining the moment you fool" he smiled.

"Sorry sorry"

"When I was younger my parents divorced. It wasn't nice for me to see it as a kid, I thoight love lasted forever. I lived with my mum when my dad moved out and I only see him every other weekend. And when I did he was the best dad ever and I never understood why him and my mum split up. It was fine and then my mum got with this guy called rob, the same as your dads name. And he was a ass. He manipulated his way into my family, to live in my home and then to beat the shit out of me every time my mjm wasn't with us. I went into school with fresh bruises everyday and a new injury every night. I tried to live with my real dad but my mum didn't let me and didn't believe what rob was doing to me was true. She just thought I was getting into fights. And it got so bad I even tried to kill myself. That's why I wanted to help Riley tonight cause even tho she only did weed and drank alcohol I see my teenage self in her. I tried to overdose on painkillers and all the shit we had in the medicine cupboard at home" he cried.

"Alex I'm so sorry" I said. As our faces were face to face I could feel his breath get heavier and heavier.

"When I woke up I was in hospital and I see my mum standing right in-front of me. And I'd realised that she did this to me, she allowed me to feel like shit. So much so I didn't even want to live. She said she loved me and believe she does but she ruined my concept of love and my me turn into a prick. I'm not horrible cause I want to be Emma I'm horrible because I can't trust people. I have trust issues that can't ever be helped. But the thing is I'm a hypocrite. I have trust issues but I'm always the person to break someone's trust. And I knew that as soon as I see you for the first time I would break you. And I didn't want to do that, I don't want to do that. But now I know that I would do anything to never hurt you or break you. But I want you to know that if I do hurt you I will never mean it. And I really wanna give us a shot Emma" he cried.

My heart felt like it stopped. There were real tears in my eye and I was struggling to see through the tears that were trying to escape.

"Alex." I sighed.

"If you don't feel the same Emma it's fine I will go" he said.

"Alex read the room of course I do. Whenever I see you I feel these butterflies in my belly that I can't ignore. I want to look after you forever and I want us to be happy. I think we should try. Even if you think your evil your not. Your just Alex, your a big softie really" I smiled.

"Ew don't say that. I'm not soft. And you know what I really want to give us a shot to" he smiled. His hand holding my hip as I was lying on my side.

"Are we like dating then" I joked.

"I think we're dating you know" he laughed.

His face got even closer to mine and the gap that was once between us was no longer there. His lips met mine and it felt like a spark was ready to go of inside of me. His lips were so soft and I could taste him. The cigarette and mint on his breath never failed to impress me. His hand was moving down to my thigh and my hand to his chest. Our kiss was passionate and It started to get deeper.

"Alex" I said. Pulling away from his lips.

"Yes my darling" he smiled.

"You know what rhymes with rob?" I asked.

"No I dunno"

"Knob" I laughed.

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