Y/n Khan

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Everyone was comfortably seated in the theater room with their assortment of drinks and snacks as the lights dimmed down. Midnight spoke as he drank a milkshake.

Midnight: this first viewing is not of an Au but  rather a key part of your world's history. We are viewing it because it is vital information to understand before viewing other worlds.

The screen flick to life showing two words that left many agape and others confused.

'Y/n Khan'

A young tiger faunus boy about six years old is seen on a beach looking out towards the ocean. In his right hand is a flat stone with the word "conflict" carved into it. Standing next to him is a young Sienna Kahn roughly 11 years of age holding a similar stone.

Kali: Is that...?

Sienna: yeah that's me... And my baby brother.

Ruby: That's Y/n too. So you do know him...

Sienna shuddered and shook her head.

Sienna: no... Not anymore...

The young Y/n looked at the stone before turning to Sienna.

Y/n: will this really help me get over my fears?

Sienna shook her head and giggled.

Sienna: not quiet, it helps you accept and grow from them. When you accept you fears they can grow and change, maybe even become and interest.

Y/n nodded before looking at at the stone and reeling his arm back. Sienna nodded and copied his motion.

Sienna: ready? 3.

Y/n: 2.

Sienna: 1.

Y/n: Go!

And like that that they throw their stones as far as they could into the ocean. Sienna smiles and turned to her brother.

Sienna: So, how'd it feel?

Y/n looked to the ocean one last time.

Y/n: Comforting.

The screen zooms in on his face with it's small but kind and true smile. Before fading to a slightly older version with a more neutral face. At the bottom of the screen were the words "Five Years Later"

???: Hey, you done Yet?!

Y/n set down the half finished bone mask and turned to the speaker. A recently recruited Adam Taurus, an escape-e of an SDC mine.

Y/n: Adam, You need to be patient, this kind of stuff takes time.

Adam slammed his hand on the table in frustration

Adam: I don't care Just hurry it up! I don't want the others to think I'm weak with this brand!

Keeping a calm and a neutral face Y/n grabbed Adam's hair and held the carving knife away from his good eye. As the new leader of the White Fang entered, Sienna Khan strangely wearing a mask like the others.

Sienna: You'd do well to listen to him and curb your temper Adam. Y/n's craft is like no other, now sit back and be patient.

Grumbling Adam sits down as Y/n gets back to work.

Adam: I still don't see why a kid is here... What would he know about the major problems of the Faunus or the cruelty of humans?

Growling, Y/n crushed the mask and grabbed a new chunk of bone, tossing it at Adam before sinking the carving knife into the wall just hairs away from Adam's head. He then ran out of the building.

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