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Ayato's pov:
I was putting on the baseball uniform while Inumaki was sitting on the bench looking away. "You know Inumaki you can look this way you know~" I said in my flirty tone making Inumaki turn red. "S-Salmon!"He stuttered and I chuckled as I put on the sneakers as I looked back at him and pulled him up from his seat and kissing him harder than I usually would. He was like a blushing mess until he got cocky and pushed me up against the locker from where I got the uniform. "Oh~ Now you want to top?" I said in a teasing tone after we pulled back catching our breath.

Gojo's pov:
It's been 20 minutes! Where the hell are they? I need to stay and ref so I can't go, wait I'll send Megumi! "Hey! Megumi, can you go get Inumaki and Ayato? We need one of them to bat!" I said while Megumi rolled his eyes. "Fine..." he said.

Megumi's pov:
Why did Gojo have to pick me to go get them? I was walking down the hall to the locker room and opened the door. Then when I opened it to see Inumaki Pushing Ayato against the locker both of them not being noticed that I was there. "Uhhh hey you two, Gojo is looking for you guys to bat so, yeah." I said as I walked off. 'Well that was kind of awkward.

Inumaki's pov:
'WAIT MEGUMI SAW US! SHIT!' I thought as I got off on Ayato. I hope he doesn't tell anyone...

Ayato's pov:
Ohhhhh FUCK HE SAW US KISS, not even just that full on making out! If he tells everyone we are done for... We were both blushing messes as we walked out to the field in silence. "Hey there you guys are! Ayato get the bat I wanna see you bat!" Gojo shouted as I got the bat and Inumaki went to the dugout with everyone else. I grabbed a bat and went up to the plate. As I swung my bat the ball went over the fences even though there was that girl with the broom in the sky. "YES!" I shouted as I ran around the bases making us in the lead. As I went to go sit next to Megumi I heard Nobara talking to Inumaki. "So Inumaki have an eye on anyone?" She questioned as Inumaki turned a shade of red. "T-TUNA?!"? I was silently laughing at the flustered Inumaki.

Next day~

3rd person pov:
Everyone from jujutsu high said their goodbyes to the other school as they were leaving of course Todo and Itadori had to be idiots one last time before they didn't see each other for awhile. "Hey your Ayato right?" Kamo said. "Yeah that's me Kamo right?" Ayato said as he stared at him. "I've heard a lot about you from my teacher, When we meet again I want to battle you for real." Kamo said before putting his hand out for a handshake. "Yeah! Definitely!" Ayato said with a smile as they let go and they walked away.

Later that day-

Ayato's pov:
"UGH WHY DO WE HAVE TO DO YOUR JOB?!" I shouted totally done with Gojo putting the jobs on us. HIS STUDENTS! "Because Ayato, do you see Itadori or Megumi complain?" He asks me. "Well yes actually but what grade is this curse and who am I going with?" I asked as I calmed down a bit. "Well your going with Inumaki of course and it's a special grade and a curse user!" He said with a cheeky smile. "Ok fine... I'll go, When should we go?" I asked Gojo as he was eating some mochi that he bought on the way back from a short mission that wasn't far away. "Well I would say tomorrow just to prepare because especially you two haven't been on a mission in a long time." He said nonchalantly. After a off topic conversation with Gojo I left to find Inumaki, which I found at the first years lounge area talking to Itadori, Megumi and Nobara. "Hey you guys!" I said as I hugged Inumaki from behind the couch. Everyone found out about our relationship and was totally cool with it and made both me and Inumaki relieved. "Hey itadori can both me and Inumaki talk to you in private?" I asked while looking at Itadori. "Yeah sure! Lets go to my room." He said as we followed him while Inumaki was confused. When we walked in- "OH FUCK- ITADORI!" I shouted as I covered Inumaki's eyes. "What?" He said as if he was innocent. "Dude why do you have a poster of Jennifer Lawrence in a Swimsuit on your wall?" I asked as I took my hands off on Inumaki's face. His eyes grew wide as he looked away. "Listen I have a question to ask you, Do you know who Mahito is?" I asked as he grew pale. "Y-Yes I know him all too well... why do you ask?" He asked me as Inumaki looked at me. "Well gojo has a mission for us that involves him and the curse user Geto and I was wondering if you can give me any info since you worked with Nanami before." I said as I held Inumaki's hand. "WAIT! HES SENDING YOU TWO ON THAT MISSION WITHOUT HIM?!" He shouted as I nodded. "Is he that bad?" I asked not knowing what's up ahead.

Itadori's pov:
Gojo-sensei is ending just Ayato and Inumaki out to find Mahito?! There's no way in hell they can find him. I don't need a repeat of what happened with Junpei... I can't stop them or help because I have a Mission with both Nobara and Megumi. The reason why we are going is because there is one of Sukuna's fingers involved. I just really home they are safe.

Ayato's pov:
I got dressed in  a t-shirt and some shorts as I made my way to Inumaki's room. When I got there I opened his door to see him on his bed with his phone and earbuds plugged in watching something. "Hey Bunny, whatcha watching?" I said as I got onto the bed and hugged him. "Mustard-leaf" he said as he handed me his phone. He was watching Naruto episode 152, it was one of my favorites. "Hey you started without me!" I said in a playful tone as he handed me one of the ear buds and watched a few episodes before falling asleep.

I really hope this mission goes smoothly...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2022 ⏰

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