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Veronica's POV

I heard the sound of door opening. I was afraid to be honest, but I didn't let that come on my face. Charlotte removed my blindfold and I slowly opened my eyes. A sudden bright light came in my eyes and it took me a while to see everything clearly. I opened my eyes properly and saw my mother standing in front of me with tears in her eyes. Before I could wipe it and hug her, my sister Alex jumped on me in happiness and I carried her. I was disbalanced but Charlotte supported me.

Alex was very happy. I kissed her many times on her face and her stomach. "Put me down. Put me down. Your kissy is wet." She said and we all laughed. I put her down and wiped my mother's tears and she mine. I didn't realize that I had tears in my eyes. The tears of joy. I hugged her, while Charlotte had bent down to Alex's height and was hugging her. That was cute.

My mother gave a smile to Charlotte and later they shared a small hug. My mother asked us to get inside. Though they live in the same old one room kitchen house, it looked little big to me. As the bed on which my father used to lie down was empty. I went near the bed and moved my hand over it. All his memories came to me. My mother made us sit on the bed and she took a chair for herself.

"How are you, Charlotte?" asked my mother. "I am good Sandra. Thank you. How are you?" she said with a smile. "I am good." Charlotte pulled Alex closer to her, grabbed her nose lovingly with a smile and said, "How are you little princess Parker?" Alex blushed and smiled and said, "I am good. How are you?" she asked with shyness and Charlotte replied.

"Alex, are you going to school regularly?" I asked her and she said "Yesss!" trying to act annoyed. "Why you guys didn't tell me that you were coming, I would have made you guys your favorite food." Asked my mom. "Well. You should ask your daughter-in-law. It is a surprise for me too. I learnt it when I saw you guys." I answered my mom. She gave me a stern angry look.

She looked at Charlotte with a smile on her face and said, "Such a sweet surprise Charlotte! Only a loving and caring person can do this." "It was very sudden Sandra. We were in Yahama for Misha's graduation and this morning I thought to visit you guys and give everyone a surprise, especially Alex. I was eager to see Alex that I couldn't stop myself from seeing her." she pulled Alex, made her sit on her lap and then kissed her on her cheeks. Alex's face was red because of shyness, actually she was blushing.

Charlotte's POV

I had planned to take Veronica to her mother's family so that she can be happy. It was very sudden of me. After she slept last night, I woke up to open the door for Misha, as she didn't take keys with her. She was happy and told me about her day with her boyfriend. She asked me about mine and I told her everything.

I asked her what I should do to make her happy and she gave me the idea to take her to Reegal. I liked the idea and I called Sherley, my secretary to arrange everything. Misha suggested to keep it a surprise for Veronica, so we didn't tell her about it.

It was a wonderful moment when she met her family. I like her family as they are very simple. My parents told me that they tried to help Sandra financially, but she said no. She just asked them to keep her daughter happy. Alex is a very sweet child. I just love that kid. I think that she has kind of a crush on me. She blushes when I talk to her or give her a smile and it is very cute. We talked for a while and then Sandra said, "You guys get freshen up, I and Alex are going to the market to get some vegetables. Charlotte, dear, I am sorry! I know this place is not good." Before she could say anything, I interrupted her and said, "Don't worry Sandra, your house might be small, but it is beautiful just like you. You don't worry, I am absolutely fine." "Oh dear!" She said and hugged me. She had tears in her eyes and I wiped them. She left with Alex.

"I didn't know that you were so eager to leave me at my mother's house that you changed the direction mid-way. Or you were pre-decided to drop me here and leave?" Veronica said and I was shocked. I know that whatever I will say to her, she would think opposite of it, so I just said, "Where's the washroom?" She pointed the washroom with her finger and left.

I went to the washroom and looked at it. It is very small. I was uncomfortable. I told Sandra that I am fine, but to be honest I am not. This house is very small. My bathroom is bigger than this entire house. How I am going to be here? I came back from my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door and Veronica taking my name. I just used the flush and got out.

"By the time I get back from the bathroom, you can change here. Once they come back, you won't be able to." Veronica said. She had some clothes in her hand. "Why I can't change clothes when they are back?" I asked genuinely. "Once they are back, this room will be occupied and I don't think that you will change in front of them. Also, I don't think you will be able to change in the bathroom. So, you change here and tell me once you are done. I will come out then. Or else you will say that I was looking at you." She said and went inside the bathroom.

She was right. I cannot change in that tiny bathroom. How can she change it there? Ahh! Fuck it! I said to myself. I took a t-shirt and a pyjama and changed as quick as I can. I told Veronica that she can come out.

"So, when are you leaving?" She said. "What do you mean?" I asked her as I wasn't clear on what she was saying. "You dropped me here and you are going back, right!" She answered. "Why would I go back alone?" I asked.

Veronica's POV

"I am not leaving. We didn't come here to drop you. We are here to spend a day or two with your family to cheer you up and then we will leave together for Caster." She said. "Wow! So sweet of you! No need of that. You can leave right now. I will talk to a lawyer and send you the divorce papers." I said.

"You are angry right now. Let us just enjoy this time with your family and then whatever you decide, I will accept it." She said. I thought for a while. This isn't bad. Mom and Alex like her so much. They will get some time to enjoy with her. So, I said okay.

Mom and Alex came back. I helped mom in preparing food, while Alex was talking with Charlotte. The food was ready. We don't have fancy dining table here. We took the food, bowls, plates, spoons and kept it on the floor. Mom took a plate and served the food in it. She gave the plate to Charlotte and asked her to sit on the bed. Mom knew that Charlotte won't be comfortable to sit on the floor.

At first, Charlotte denied, but then mom asked Alex to sit with her on the bed. Me and mom sat on the floor and we all started to eat food. My wife praised my mother's cooking. After that I decided to go and meet factory workers and Mike, so I left.

I spent a wonderful time with all of them. They were very happy to see me. They insisted me to go out with them and have dinner. I couldn't say no, so I went along with them. I informed my mother about it and also told her that I might get late. I reached home at around 11 p.m. Mom was awake. She was walking, which she usually does after having dinner.

We both went inside. I saw Charlotte and Alex sleeping on bed. Alex had tightly hugged Charlotte and her leg was on Charlotte's waist. It was very cute to see them like that. Me and mom looked at each other and shared a laugh. We put a mattress on the floor and slept on it like old days.

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