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Veronica's POV

After getting permission from Charlotte, I talked to the café owner. The owner's name is Devon. He is an old man, who is in his late sixties. He gave me the job. It is a medium size café. Along with me, there is one girl named Zoey around my wife's age, two cooks, Kelly and Jos. I started the job very next day.

The café opens at 8 in the morning and closes at 8 in the evening

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The café opens at 8 in the morning and closes at 8 in the evening. The café serves, coffee, milkshakes, pizza, burger, sandwich and many more items. Charlotte has gone out of Caster for her work and gave me 20000 Novians in cash.

It's been a month; I am working at the café. It's been amazing. I leave for work at 8 and get back at 8. The crowd usually starts coming by 9 a.m. So, me and Zoey have enough time to clean the café and arrange the tables properly. I spend all time at the café and earn 180 Novians per day. I received my salary yesterday and it was a check of 5,400 Novians, as I didn't take any off.

 I received my salary yesterday and it was a check of 5,400 Novians, as I didn't take any off

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I deposited all my salary except tips to my mother's account and she was happy and emotional. The tips are also good and I usually make 50 Novians per day. Sometimes, I have even received a tip of more than 200 Novians. I have total 2000 Novians of tips. I use them for my daily expenses, as I don't like to use my wife's money. The house is all to myself as we sent Maya to one of Charlotte's friend.

The few things that I did were, I opened a bank account, and got credit and debit cards. I got a phone, a keypad one. I know its boring, but as I can't read and write and also, I didn't want to waste money on such thing, there is no use for me to get a smartphone. I have only my mom's number, and yes, I don't have Charlotte's number.

Zoey and me have become friends and she was initially shocked to learn that I am the wife of the Charlotte Taylor. Well, everyone was. She says that I am very lucky as I am Charlotte's wife and the daughter-in-law of the Taylor's. She was very much surprised that I was working as a waitress, but when I told her the reason behind it, she was okay. Everyone at the café knows that I am a Taylor. They were hesitant at first, but are okay now.

Zoey is a person who lives her life. She likes to enjoy every moment. She took me to few clubs, at the weekend and it was fun. Also, it was my first time. Kelly and Jos are also nice guys. I think that they both like each other, but they don't accept it. Mr. Devon is a nice man. He takes care of his staff. He lives alone. His wife died 15 years back and his daughter is married and lives in Reegal. When I told him that I am originally from Reegal, he was thrilled. He opened this café 5 years back.

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