(Chapter 8, Finale) Grimm Attack

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Y/N's P.O.V

We were heading towards the city. We saw team RWBY fighting the Grimm. We did jump out of the bullhead and land somewhere nearby. Then saw Nora flying in on her hammer and then slammed it down on a King Taijitu's head. Then Team JNPR is now close to Team RWBY. Ajax whistled.

Ajax: Interesting entrance to a fight.

Y/N: Yeah. Alright, let's do this team!

The four: Hoorah!

We started running to the others that were attacking the Grimm. I turned to my left and saw a couple of Beowolves charging towards me. My team kept running to the others to help them out. I sighed and shook my head. Then turned to the Grimm. I took out (W/N). One leaped towards me and I teleported to the side. It missed and flipped over. I teleported on top of it and stabbed its head. Then I looked up and turned around. Another was charging towards me. Then I was smacked to the side. I flipped over a couple times and then got back up. It started running towards me again. I sighed. I put my weapon behind my back. Then my eyes turned red. I cracked my knuckles. I sprinted towards it. It got scared and stopped running. It stood still and waited for me to get near, just so it can swing its claws at me. I did get close to it and it missed the attack since I was quick enough to dodge it. Then I grabbed one of its arms and then kicked it so hard that it cracked. It roared. I kicked its legs resulting to it not being able to walk anymore. Then I stared at then started ripping it to pieces. A bunch of its parts went flying behind me and then it was nothing. Nothing but dust. I turned to another Beowolf. It started walking backwards. I took out my weapon again. I switched to gun form and summoned some Grimm soldiers. Then we aimed at it. It started running. The firing squad begins to open fire at it. Eventually it was gunned down by us. I sighed.

???: Hisssssss..........

I flinched. I turned around and see a King Taijitu next to me.

Y/N: Oh... Hey there...

I started to walking backwards. It begins to lunge at me. I dodge it. Then it attacked the soldiers, flinging them into building or eating them. After it defeated my troops, it looked towards me and both of its heads stared at me. They had their tongues out and kept hissing as it slowly got closer and closer. I tripped on a lamppost and started crawling backwards. Then some icicles were shot at it. I turned to see Weiss standing there with her weapon pointed towards the Grimm. Then she threw some fireballs and then struck it with lightning. It disintegrated. Weiss looks at me and then approached me. Then she stood in front of me as her face showed a disappointed expression. I chuckled.

Y/N: Uh... Hey, Ice Queen! How's it going?

She winds up a hand behind her back and was planning to slap me. I swallowed my saliva. Then she swing the hand towards me. I braced myself for the slap....... Then I felt nothing happened. I looked at her again. Instead of slapping me, she had a hand out to help me get up. She showed a small smile.

Weiss: Get up, you idiot. It's not the time to mess around.

Y/N: Haha.... Right.

I grabbed her hand. She pulls me. I swept my clothes. Then we see Ursas and Beowolves coming straight towards us. We sighed. Then got into our battle stance.

Weiss: Try not to die this time...

Y/N: I'll try.

I held my hand out and summoned two Grimm soldiers again. Weiss looks at them and gasped.

Weiss: Wait... What?!?!?

Then I summoned a knight. As I was summoned it was kneeled to the ground. Then it stood up. Weiss stood in shock. I transformed my hand into blades and went psycho mode. I had a grin on my face. Then me and the knight sprints towards the horde. Weiss was still stunned by the unexpected Grimm that were summoned by me. Me and the knight shred through most of the Grimm as the soldiers suppressed fire from the back. One of the soldiers looked at Weiss. Then punched her on the arm. She gasped.

New Semester, New Enemies [Volume 2] (Weiss Schnee x Male reader x MW)Where stories live. Discover now